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Are You a Million Dollar Producer?

Setting Your Own Benchmark for Success

2/15/2022 | Cliff Quicksell, MAS+, Cliff's Notes

There is a ton of chatter in our industry going on about the importance of selling a million dollars to be on top; seminars, white papers, articles, and advertisements. While I agree and am notably impressed when someone has reached that milestone is it not the only benchmark of success.

Through my career as a marketer and salesperson in this industry, I have met some amazing people; each one of them brought different skills, different likes, dislikes, and various goals that were important to them, which helped set them apart to create a differentiator needed to succeed. People are different…all people.

I have often wondered who determined a million-dollar producer as being the end-all, the benchmark of success. Several years ago, while at a Chicago ASI Show, I had the pleasure of listening to the keynote speaker Erik Wahl, he spoke on creativity. It was mesmerizing. One comment he made during his presentation was, “…never let your NET WORTH determine your SELF WORTH…,” that resonated with me. Too many folks put too much value on being super educated, wealthy…” a million-dollar producer,” but there is more to being successful other than these points stated.

What I really find sad is when folks are snubbed or looked down on when their numbers are not soaring toward that million-dollar plateau. Full transparency, I have never sold a million dollars in one calendar year, close, but never – did not matter to me. For me, it was more important to be profitable, and to live a comfortable life, and not let my career be my life. If selling a million dollars in sales is YOUR goal, go for it! If not, know this, it does not make you inferior. It is especially important to have goals and if your goal is that then shoot for that but if it is not, so-be-it!

Looking at Things from a Different Angle

There was a quote I heard some time back that resonated with me as well and oddly enough it came from an accountant, many have heard me quote this in many of my seminars, I live by this, he said: “Sales Feed Egos and Profits Feed Families.” I know several so called million-dollar producers that are working on 10% gross profit. I also know many that claim to be million-dollar producers but when examined further those sales numbers had been done over decades of sales not in one year. So, it begs the question…who cares? 

I remember some years back a young women asked me after one of my seminars; “Why should I listen to you? You’ve never had a million-dollar year.” I responded as to why she felt that was the benchmark for success. No genuine answer other than ‘it’s a substantial number.’ I asked her, what were her margins that year? Her response was ‘…around 35% with six-hundred thousand dollars in sales’. While impressive, her margins were average according to all the industry surveys and statistics.

By taking a fresh look at selling at higher margins rather than focusing on the sales numbers only, you begin to see things in a different light. While my sales were never a million, they were over nine-hundred thousand plus, give or take, at 58 to 61% gross profit. My motto, ‘Sales feed egos and profits DO feed families. 

I could relate several case histories along with friends and clients, I have worked with who have embraced this concept and have realized, higher profits, better more loyal clients, and a happier lifestyle.

Living by a Different Measuring Stick

I have a philosophy that I live by; I come first, my wife, and kids come second family come third, friends fourth, and my job last. What I mean by this is when I am on my game; mentally alert, physically strong, spiritually whole, then everyone that I work with, encounter, or engage benefits - when I lack in any of those areas it shows. 

I say to you, think about what you want to accomplish in life, what is important to YOU. Set your goals. If it is a million-dollar sales goal then make it a profitable million dollars. If it is selling one hundred and sixty thousand and you are happy, content and can provide well for yourself then do that. Never be discouraged by those that feel you are not worthy…you are. Always be on the lookout for ways to improve and stretch yourself but by all means – create a meaningful life for yourself!

As always, continued good selling - CQ

For nearly 40 years, Cliff Quicksell, CSP, MAS+, MASI, with his company, Cliff Quicksell Associates, has been speaking, coaching, training, and consulting both nationally and internationally, to association members and small business groups, on more effective ways to market themselves, their products, and services; as well as motivating their personnel. In 2021, Cliff was inducted into the PPAI Hall of Fame.

Recognized by PPAI for his creativity, he has won the prestigious PPAI Pyramid Award over 30 times, the Printing Industry's PSDA’s Peak Award for creativity 5 times, and Regional Association CPPA’s Peak Award 6 consecutive years with a total of 8 awards. Cliff has coached countless others with the same level of results. Cliff received PPAI's Ambassador Speaker of the Year Award six consecutive years; and was the inaugural recipient of PPAI's Distinguished Service Award. Named one of top six industry speakers and trainers, he was recognized by PPAI in the book, "PPAI at 100", as having a significant influence in education in their industry. He was recognized by Counselor Magazine as one of the Top 50 Most Influential People in the Promotional Products Industry. 

Cliff’s BLOG 30 Seconds to Greatness won the 8LMedia Award for Most Passed Around Content. Cliff’s most recent book, 30 Seconds to Greatness, is available on his website www.QuicksellSpeaks.com  Connect with him on LinkedIn or via email at cliff@QuicksellSpeaks.com 

Cliff will be launching a new company in the next couple of months geared specifically for small business owners and entrepreneurship. Connect with Cliff to get connected to his podcast and upcoming events.

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