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Becoming and Staying the Expert

3/22/2017 | PromoJournal Staff, From the Business World

One of the best ways to become known as the expert in your field is to regularly send out articles to targeted databases showcasing tips that you know best. Seems simple enough, but so many just don’t do it.  And because of that, they are missing out on major opportunities, clients, and most important of all, exposure for their business.

Sharing your message is important as articles are known to inform and educate. These can be especially beneficial when changes are made that people need to be aware of (i.e., Facebook adding in job search options). And in business that happens frequently. People then look to you for guidance on topics when new changes happen and you become the hero always having the answer. 

Here are a few tips:

• Use a Consistent Format – Use the same format for pitches. It can take time to get the magic formula for a client’s pitch. But once you do, use that same pitch and only customize it for the article or pitch you are sending. Those who receive it will become familiar with your style and pay more attention to you as they have that relationship. This is especially beneficial if they have accepted your articles in the past.

• Add Media Mentions – One great way to prove your expertise is to add your recent media mentions to the bio and also to the pitch. In the beginning you might not have a great deal of media to add to your articles, pitch, but as you gain more, be sure to add those to your bio in the article and the pitch itself.  If you have TV coverage, say so. 

• Address the Right Audience – Be sure to use the appropriate language. If you are sending out to TV you don’t want to say “your readers.” Seems simple enough, but you wouldn’t believe how many pitches I see with this mistake. When in doubt, use “your audience.” That works like a charm every time.

• Make it Easy to Be Removed From Your Database – Add a P.S. that states something along the lines of, “If you’d like to be removed from our database, please let us know and we will do so promptly.” Then make sure you do. Nothing gives you a bigger black eye than someone asking to be removed and you keep sending to them. Not as big of mistake as the Oscars naming the wrong best picture, but still not good.

Diana is the president of Virtual Word Publishing, www.virtualwordpublishing.com. She has been in business since 1985 and has authored five books including the best-selling book, Virtual Assistant the Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA. Today she specializes in PR and book marketing and helping her clients get amazing results.  She has been featured in Forbes, Inc. Radio, Fox News, Women’s World, USA Today, CNN, and the Wall Street Journal.

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