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10 Tips to Work from Home (Without Going Crazy!)

Great ideas to keep you productive and positive!

4/8/2020 | Rosalie Marcus, Promo Biz Coach

If you’re like many people in the promotional products industry you’ve been asked to stay at home and perhaps work from home to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

I’ve been working from home for many years, so working from home isn’t a struggle for me, although not being able to see clients, friends and my extended family is challenging.

For those of you that may be new to working from home, you may be feeling frustrated and isolated. I’d like to share some tips that can make your day more productive and leave you feeling better.

1.   Set daily goals: It’s easy to get distracted when you’re working from home. Here’s a quick tip that will help keep you focused.  At the beginning of every day write at least three things you want to accomplish that day. Doing this will keep you on track to what is most important. Anything you don’t accomplish goes on the next day’s list.

2.   Create a separate work space: Have a separate room or space dedicated to working. It will help keep you in a working state of mind and make you more productive.  

3.   Establish boundaries. Let others know the hours you’ll be working and ask not to be disturbed.  

4.   Make time for your children. When you have kids at home with you, it can be challenging.  Block time for fun activities to do with them. Let them know that you have something special planned if they can let you work for a few hours. Make family time a fun time. Don’t expect to get as much work done as you would in the office.

5.   Get outside and get exercise: Take frequent breaks and get outside and get fresh air. It will make the day go faster, help you sleep better and it’s good for you!  My best ideas come when I’m outside walking, the same can happen for you

6.   Listen to your favorite music. This is a stressful time. I don’t know about you, but music relaxes me, just be mindful of the type of music you listen to. For me, classical music is great for working, and rock music when I want to take a break and feel energized.

7.   Set up video calls with clients. When you can’t see a client in person, try a video call. Zoom (zoom.us)  is free and easy to use.  Additionally, take advantage of free supplier videos with product ideas that can help your clients during the crisis.

8.   Stay connected. Just because you can’t see people doesn’t mean you have to be isolated. Join the conversations with other industry peers on Facebook and LinkedIn Groups and PPAI Promo Connect.

9.   Finish a project. The plus side of being sequestered in your home is all the free time you have when there’s no place else to go. Have you always wanted to write a book? Now is good time to get started. Need to clean out your office? Start decluttering today. Whatever it is you’ve been putting off, now is a great time to start.

10. Take great care of yourself.  This is a challenging time for all of us in in the promotional products industry and the world around us. Follow the coronavirus guidelines, get plenty of rest, eat healthy foods, wash your hands frequently, practice social distancing. You know the drill.

Here’s to working and living successfully from your home!  Stay safe and healthy! 

Rosalie Marcus, The Promo Biz Coach, is a promotional products business expert, sales coach and top-rated speaker. Combining her skills and years of experience in promotional sales, she helps her clients sell more at higher margins to better clients. Get FREE tips and strategies to grow your promotional products sales in any economy at http://www.promobizcoach.com  Reach her at Rosalie@promobizcoach.com

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