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6 Powerful Business and Life Lessons

...From My Mom

5/11/2022 | Rosalie Marcus, Promo Biz Coach

My mother passed away awhile ago, but I think of her often and all the wisdom she imparted on me.

In honor of Mother’s Day this past Sunday, and because there are so many valuable business lessons I learned from her,  I'm sharing some of her wisdom today, 

My mother was an extraordinary woman, especially for someone from her generation: upbeat, very open-minded with a wonderful sense of humor and stellar personality. Once you met her you never forgot her. She was very grateful to have lived a long life with a close and caring family.

Today’s post is dedicated to her with six powerful lessons that can boost your promo sales. 

1.    Know your customers. My mother always said, “You’ve got to know your customers,” when referring to her family. She understood her three children and their unique needs, accepting us as we were, understanding our strengths and weaknesses. In business, the more you know and understand and focus on your customer’s needs, the better chance you have for making a sale.

2.   Finishing touches make the difference. My mother was very talented and loved to sew and design her own clothing. She taught me that the finishing touches make the outfit. How can you apply this to your business? What finishing touches can you add to your customer experience to enhance their purchase? Things such as special packaging, custom colors, unique imprint locations, order tracking and faster delivery are just some of the ways to add finishing touches that will make you or your company stand out, sell more and get repeat business.

3.   Focus on the positive. My mother faced serious health challenges and frequent pain in the last few years of her life, yet she rarely complained and always focused on the things she loved about her life: her family, her friends, living to be a great-grandmother and retiring to a seashore town that she loved. Apply this to your own business by focusing on the positive things that are working and doing more of them. Be willing to let go of strategies that hold you back.

4.   Better to be kind than clever. My mother was a smart woman who never flaunted her intelligence, instead, the focus in our house was kindness. I grew up in a house filled with friends and relatives. People dropped by at all times just to say hello. There was always plenty of food and an extra place, or two or three, at the dinner table for anyone who arrived. But it was more than the way we shared meals. My mother always had a kind word and a genuine compliment for everyone she met. People loved to be with her, because she always made them feel good. In business you can apply this by taking a genuine interest in your customers. A phone call just to check in and not sell something, a sincere compliment, taking a genuine interest in their business can make a big impact on the success of your business. When people know how much you care, the sale becomes so much easier.

5.  Don’t Give Up!  My mom taught me and many of the kids on our block how to ride a bike. My brother, a natural athlete, learned how to ride in less than a day, but it took me much longer. My mother got me out there practicing riding until I finally got the hang of it! In business, there may be many times when you’re ready to give up. Stick with it, practice doing the right stuff, persistence pays off.  

6.   Have fun. My mother was a big believer in having fun. She always encouraged her family to go out, have fun and do what we enjoyed most. On New Year’s Day, shortly before she died, two of her closest friends came to see her and they spent the day laughing and remembering good times. It was truly “the best medicine.” Outside of work, what are you doing for fun? Schedule time every week to focus on activities that you enjoy. When you take time for yourself and to have fun, you come back to work with more energy, more focus and ultimately, more sales.

What lessons have you learned from your mother?  Please share them here.  

(c) 2022 Rosalie Marcus 

Rosalie Marcus, The Promo Biz Coach, is a promotional products business expert, sales coach and top-rated speaker. Combining her skills and years of experience in promotional sales, she helps her clients sell more at higher margins to better clients. Get FREE up-to-the-minute sales tips and a FREE On-Demand Webinar 5 Must-Know Strategies for Selling in the New Normal at her website: www.PromoBizCoach.com  Reach her at Rosalie@promobizcoach.com.  
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