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7 Social media habits to leave behind this year

Avoid these harmful habits to your personal and professional brand

1/25/2023 | Taylor Borst , Taylor's Take

As we move forward into 2023, many people have established resolutions and goals for the upcoming year. If one of yours is to boost your social media game, these are the habits to kick so that you can put your best foot forward:  


An easy rule of thumb: don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t announce onstage to a room of hundreds of people. Even with staunch security settings, your reach is likely wider than you realize. Try not to become over-familiar with your audience by publicly sharing family or company drama and other uncomfortable topics.

Getting too political 

In a similar vein, if you’re using social media to connect with customers, avoid politics. Chances are, you’re alienating a segment of current or potential customers. Before posting, assess your ultimate goals first. 

Posting static product flyers 

Do you want to look at flyers all day? Chances are, neither does your audience/customer base. Instead, move to lifestyle imagery. Or better yet, photos of you using the product! 

The hard sell 

When people use social, it’s often for an escape. Rarely do consumers get excited to be sold/advertised to. If you focus more on the storytelling approach, your audience will begin to feel as if they understand and know you. Social media is first and foremost about building relationships. 

Failing to tell your brand story 

You have an incredible opportunity and platform to help your audience know you better. This doesn’t need to all be said in one post - it can be a gradual process. Over time, incorporate details about your mission, customer approach and body of work. Add dimension to that story by also sharing personal details (at your comfort level). This will help build trust and emotional connection with your audience. 

Forgetting to tag people and companies 

When you tag other accounts, you broaden the reach of your content. Collaboration between end-user buyers, distributors and suppliers can result in added followers, likes and comments, helping you expand your impact and partnerships. 

Posting YouTube links 

Guess what social media algorithms hate? Other social media platforms. Instead, try uploading the MP4 video file directly to the individual platform to increase engagement. Not to mention, your content will look more authentic. 

Being too shy for video 

I’ll be the first to admit it. Recording a video of yourself can feel daunting and overwhelming at first. The truth is, anyone can be good with video. It just takes a willingness to power through, accept imperfection and have the courage to start consistently posting. The key is to simply just start. 

Whether you’re a seasoned vet or a beginner on social, it’s never a bad time to pause to reassess your strategy. This is an area that can never be truly mastered due to the nature of how it constantly changes. Every day, there’s something new to learn, observe and create – be sure you’re setting yourself up for success with best practices!

Taylor Borst is Sr. Director of Marketing & Vendor Relations for American Solutions for Business. Joining the print and promo industry in 2015, she specializes in social media, promotional products, and supplier relations. Taylor is currently a Sous Chef with PromoKitchen, board member for UMAPP, on the PSDA Emerging Leaders Committee and is an advocate for education and youth involvement in the industry. Connect with her on Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn.
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