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Jason Nokes from PromoPulse

How to create content each and every week!

3/18/2020 | Kirby Hasseman, Delivering Marketing Joy

Kirby Hasseman is the owner of Hasseman Marketing and the author of Delivering Marketing Joy (a book about better promo!). He is dedicated to personal development and building the integrity of the promotional industry. He can be reached at Kirby@HassemanMarketing.com.
Next up from Delivering Marketing Joy...

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Lomit's new book "Lean AI" helps entrepreneurs grow!
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Amelia Madl from PromoCorner

Making the transition from sales...to content creation...to sales.
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Flashback: Kirby's First Convo with Marketing Guru Seth Godin

Differentiation, lessons from Seth's hero, and making a ruckus!
Kirby Hasseman
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