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Are You Bold Enough to be Brave?

Finding the courage to communicate – creatively.

9/1/2015 | Aubrey Collins, Creative Challenges

Sometimes in my mind, my inner voice is akin to Pavarotti-like brilliance. It’s life-changing material that is not only going to revolutionize the industry but also the world. Then, when I sit down to write, the words come out crackly like a voice-changing Peter Brady.

Chances are, this happens to you, too, and I'm not making that assumption just because you're reading this article. When it comes to crafting anything that contains an element of creative expression — whether it's a blog, your "About Us" page, a webinar, your mission statement, or beyond — there's a level of vulnerability.

When you attempt to record your thoughts and edge closer to sharing them, your inner critic cuts the line and abruptly shouts, "You can't say THAT!"

In most instances, however, the "that" is exactly what you need to say. It's when you exit your comfort zone. Here are some ways to cast your inner critic aside to do it:

Phone a Friend – One of the easiest things you can do is channel your inner Regis, and send what you're working on to a trusted friend, asking for positive-only feedback. Receiving the positive comments will allow you to see things with a fresh perspective that is often less harsh than your original thoughts. By having your friend accentuate the positive, you'll notice things that are working. The encouraging assessment — not to mention the time away from the piece — is usually enough of a boost to help you confidently edit out what isn't strong. 

Put Pen to Paper – Literally. Step away from your computer. Step away from the internet. Silence your phone. And write. An old-fashioned brainstorming session with a pen and a notebook can be less intimidating than our more modern methods of collecting your thoughts. Even setting a timer for 10 minutes can help you get into a state of flow long enough to allow you to record your thoughts before your mind remembers that you may one day share them with others. Pretty sneaky. 

Start Out Small – No one said you have to start with a manifesto. Silencing your inner critic means you have to get comfortable with putting yourself out there and sharing your thoughts. The more you communicate your ideas and get feedback on them, the more likely you are to continue. Technology makes this easier than ever. Revive your old Twitter account and start posting. Join industry groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. Sign up for commonsku. Comment on industry articles — or better yet, share them on your social media feeds along with your own commentary.

Just Do It – There's a reason Nike has been using these words for decades. They embody a magical phrase that can be applied to just about anything. Ripping off that Band-Aid and getting started is often the hardest part of a creative endeavor, but once you take a leap from your comfort zone, it gets easier each time. Some residue from the proverbial Band-Aid might remain, and with subsequent attempts, you might find yourself just as panicked as you were with the first, but you simply have to remind yourself to Just Do It.

We each play a role in this industry, and working together, sharing our perspectives, and supporting one another is how we are going to elevate it and help it grow and thrive in a changing economy and world.

What have you wanted to say but have been holding back? I challenge you to take one step today to share it and put yourself out there.

Aubrey Collins is the director of marketing and communications at MediaTree, a supplier of branded digital entertainment cards. She fell in love with the promotional products industry in 2011 at her first PPAI Expo. She shares her perspective on everything from the industry, what parenting continues to teach her about business, to what marketing campaigns make her cry on her blog. Connect with her on Twitter or email her at acollins@mediatreegroup.com.

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