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Becoming the Strategic Salesperson

…Building the Best Future for YOU!

6/16/2020 | Cliff Quicksell, MAS+, Cliff's Notes

Sales can be a great profession; but strategic sales, makes it a lucrative profession.  Decades ago, being in sales was sexy and had a certain mystique about it, business lunches, playing golf, country club scene – and the money…WOW! Nowadays things have changed, with the proliferation of technological advancements and pandemics, we have become a society that has forgotten how to communicate verbally and look someone in the eye and make a connection. Connections today are made through email, texting, websites, ZOOM and the like. At some level it is unfortunate, but it is what it is.

Today’s buyer is younger, smarter, faster, more tech-savvy. If you are a veteran at sales how do you fit in, adapt, and run with this pack? You become more strategic, you make yourself invaluable, you become connected in as many ways possible so a client cannot live without you. That last statement is precarious because you NEVER want to think you have a client in your back pocket; a strategic salesperson realizes they MUST earn the right to business with a client every day. There are too many options and choices for clients, so becoming relentless in your quest to serve must be priority one!

What are the characteristics of a strategic salesperson?

  • Proactive not Reactive – in today’s world, those that sit back and wait for things to happen struggle terribly. Long gone are the days where you just sit back having a coffee while the phone rings off the hook while you sit and write orders. If you want things to happen, you must be proactive in every one of your efforts. In essence, you “create” opportunities for yourself.

  • Specialize – Go Vertical – every bit of marketing and sales literature today speaks to the importance of marketing and selling with a laser-focused eye. What does that mean? We cannot be everything to everyone; we need to look at becoming an expert in a few fields of endeavor; the method to accomplish this is by developing strategic vertical markets. Some may that this hampers your ability to succeed; quite the contrary, when you become an expert in their market; buyers in those markets begin to look to you and rely on what you say as information which will help flatten their learning curve and give them an upper-hand in markets. Look at building strong alliances both vertically and laterally and your outcome will be profitable.

  • Methodical – Have a Plan – All strategic salespeople have a written plan. Their marketing plan is outlined at the beginning of the year; they have a roadmap of where they are currently, where they want to go (or be) by years-end and most importantly, they know how they plan to get there. Ensure you do this at the beginning of every year. Look at your current client base, segment the list and divide into categories and review which vertical markets you experience have the greatest profitability. Look deeper at the types of business, and perhaps you will identify a strong, niche vertical market you can strategically develop over the coming year. Create the plan and WORK your plan relentlessly.

  • Flexible – open to ALL possibilities – they realize that they are NOT all-knowing and there are many ways to solve a problem. They look for, as author Roger VonOech states in his book, A Whack On The Side Of The Head, “always look for the second right answer”. When you are open and coachable, even as an expert, you open up a wide realm of possibilities for yourself. Strategic Salespeople realize this mindset is invaluable to their ultimate success. 

  • Effective Time Managers – we make “…lists for our lists…”, as speaker Joe Charbonneau stated for years on the platform. They manage their time and do not become shackled to their emails. They are in tune with technology which will assist in becoming more productive without chaining them to their offices and dealing with miniscule issues that erode our productive hours of selling. Research some of the powerful CRM software available in the industry.

  • Delegate Effectively – Strategic salespeople have learned long ago they need to develop a talent for selecting the right strategic partners on their end, partners they have come to trust as allies, help their teams achieve their goals. They realize that in order to be most effective they must learn the art of delegation – this comes from trusting your partners and supporting their efforts. You should be relentless in your quest to find strategic partners, express your intentions and expectations, and forge bonds that will ensure your mutual success and profitability.

  • Research Addicts – strategic salespeople know their clients, they know their client’s clients, they understand market shifts and they know the players within those industries. They do this by constantly researching specifics within those vertical markets and share the information with their partners regularly. Knowledge is king; and with it, your credibility increases.

  • Creative Marketers – stale and boring messages are NOT in the marketing mix for a strategic salesperson. These strategists know it is about the client and not them. Therefor their marketing addresses the client’s pain points and offers solutions to help the clients solve those issues in a creative way. Clients are always on the lookout for creative ways to differentiate themselves from the competition. When you market correctly and creatively ~ clients tend to get it, it resonates!

The Intrinsic Roles of a Strategic Salesperson

  • Consultant – you must earn the right to do business with the client every day, there are many choices, so, be first. How do you do this? How does one build this trust and loyalty? Stay abreast to changes and shifts in their market, share the information. When communicating, be an “ACTIVE LISTENER”; ask good open-ended questions and display a caring, upbeat, positive attitude – it goes a long way!

  • Creative Director – the ability to form a team of suppliers you can trust and having the ability to let go and delegate the tasks to the right individual is key. An orchestra leader doesn’t play the instruments, yet the music that is generated by the right maestro, one that trusts the individuals in his orchestra can hit each note, at one time correctly is magical…become the maestro, delegate! This will result in faster buying decisions, increase of repeat profitable sales, and creates a solid link between you and your client.

  • Ally of the Client – once you have earned the trust, you must understand, it must be maintained. Never take the client’s goodwill and trust for granted, this is a sure-fire way to lose the relationship and it is difficult to get it back. Build interpersonal trust by maintaining a positive image in the eyes of the client. Show continued interest in the company by becoming an advocate and sharing viable information (social media) that shows them you care. Deal with all conflicts and concerns (they will happen no matter how strong the relationship) in an open, honest, and expeditious manner for a solid resolution. Taking an active interest in the client will prove highly beneficial in your maintaining a strong relationship.

Ensuring a Win-Win Relationship

What the Salesperson Must Be Willing to Do

There must be give and take on the side of both parties. 

The salesperson must be willing to:

  • Solicit feedback from clients via various forms: surveys, face to face, etc.

  • Maintain regular contact with the client with touchpoints and be willing to reach out with information even when an order is not in process – just to stay in touch.

  • Ensure you keep clients up to date regarding any changes in your organization or more importantly any charges from an industry level which could affect the dynamics of either company’s ability to perform effectively. A good example is when cotton prices skyrocketed. If you had clients with company stores and sold apparel on that site, a huge jump in prices would adversely affect sales and profits; this should be articulated.

  • Review the client relationship regularly to ensure the ultimate health of your business relationship.

What the Client Must Be Willing to Do

Your contact must be willing to:

  • Keep you updated and in the loop regarding directional changes in their organizations which could affect your ability to perform effectively.

  • VALUE what you deliver in the way of services. They must appreciate and acknowledge your service record – give them a reason to value you!

  • Offer access to information via referrals and giving testimonials on your behalf to others in their organization.

Looking inward first on ways for you to improve, is the first step. Honoring the relationship with hard (smart) work and being mutually loyal and honest. Working with integrity and honor work to build stronger alliances, more profitable sales and client relationships that will endure the most challenging times.

As always, Continue Good Selling and make the balance of 2020 memorable - CQ
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