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Change is Synonymous with Evolving

It's time to take action.

7/10/2019 | Sam Kabert, Success with Swag(ger)

A lot of people fear change. Not me, I embrace change.

Sure, change is definitely scary. However, the truth is that change is synonymous with evolving and who doesn’t want to improve?!

Recently, I made the biggest change in my life since I graduated from college. I moved out of the city that formed who I am today as a professional to live near the ocean. 

In 2012, I moved to Silicon Valley, which was actually the area I grew up in. It took me a few years to find my footing, but by 2015 I was off to the races. 2017 was a year that I won’t forget as that is when I got into podcasting which was the first step I took to eventually falling in love with being a content creator. 

2019 will be a year I won’t forget because earlier this year I was named one of the top 40 movers and shakers under 40 years old by the Silicon Valley Business Journal. AND then… I moved out of the area. Well, to be a little more detailed… I only moved 30 minutes away, but the atmosphere in Santa Cruz, CA is nothing like the hustle and grind that is Silicon Valley.

Change Also Equals New Beginnings
So, how does any of this relate to you? 

Not to get too personal, but during the early part of 2019, I was battling with deep depression (you can read more on that here if you’re interested). As I dug myself out of the pit, one thing became clear. I needed to change my environment. I always knew that Silicon Valley was a stepping stone and not the ultimate destination. I got lost in the shuffle of trying to “make it” and put my personal happiness on the back burner. 

In reality, the low feelings I was experiencing were from a lack of SOUL/Life Balance. At first, I was intimidated to make the change, but ultimately I knew it had to be done. 

I challenge you to take a look at your life and see what areas you can shift (change) to improve your own happiness.

Now, for the business stuff…

We’re in July. Wow, how time flies…
Where are you on your goals?
Are you on track or did you lose your north star?

NOW, is the time to revisit your goals and get back on track to make the next 6 months the best 6 months of 2019!

If you need some extra help in achieving your top goal(s) for 2019, then check out my book, “The Written Goal”. Honestly, though - no need to buy my book - I’ll tell you the secret right here…

Write down your goals and read them daily. 
Throw out what they taught us in school about S.M.A.R.T. goals. A goal is whatever resonates with you, just be sure to write it down and read it daily so your goals become apart of your subconscious core.

Here are some extra freebies to help you achieve your goals!

A lot of us get consumed with the games our mind plays. Whether it be negative self-talk such as “yea, but” or “I’m just not…” 
Do either of these sound familiar? If you’ve been following my new journey of self-discovery through Soul Seekr, then you’ve probably heard me talk about self-limiting beliefs before. 
Negative self-talk is the only reason why people do not achieve their goals. 

Henry Ford said it best, “Whether you think you can or you can’t - you’re right.” 

With that, get out there and start living the life you have dreamed of because there’s no better time to start than NOW!

To Change,
Sam AKA SwagSam

Sam Kabert is the creative director of SwagWorx and the creator and co-host of the podcast “WhatUp Silicon Valley!” A risk taker who embraces permanent beta, Sam is leading the transformation of his family-run office supplies business into a promotional products powerhouse. Sam can be reached at Sam@SwagWorx.com  

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