The other day, I was in a restaurant waiting to pick up some takeout. An infomercial was playing on the TV in the corner. Initially I tuned it out, but the longer my food took, and the longer I sat there, the pull of infomercial promise lured me closer and closer. The before and after photos were impressive. My skin has been looking a little dull lately. Umm, yes, I would love a free skin polishing brush and glowing serum. Thankfully before I called to place my (worry-free) order, my food was ready.
More infomercials than I’d care to admit have hooked me into nearly ordering — and some have actually succeeded. Why is it that these advertisements, that are often steeped in schlock and cheesiness and predictability are able to entice and persuade so many? And how can you employ the same tactics to your advantage when it comes to your brand, products, and services?
First we have to look at the typical formula an infomercial uses to hook its audience.
1. You have a problem.
2. Here is a solution to your problem.
3. Here the problem with most solutions.
4. Here is how our product is different and can actually solve your problem.
This method works for a few key reasons. First, it uses the classic copywriting formula of Problem-Agitate-Solve. Second, it brings your audience along a path of taking small, bite-sized steps to you providing the ultimate solution.
But wait, there’s more!
The typical infomercial formula is only half of what makes an infomercial so captivating. Here are some other infomercial mainstays designed to get you to place that 2 a.m. purchase.
Repetition – One of the hallmarks of infomercials is repetition. Typical infomercials are not afraid to hit you over the head (and over and over) with the sales pitch. The advantage of infomercials is that this is expected.
That said, in your sales materials and in the content you are putting out, don’t be afraid to repeat yourself. Your audience isn’t hanging on your every word. Generally speaking, they are skimming it. The best way to pull this off without being off putting is to re-frame what you have to say each time you say it. Come up with new angles and metaphors each time you repeat your theme.
Testimonials – Strong testimonials are powerful. Buyers want to know other people have trusted your product or service and have benefitted from using it.
Testimonials are the perfect way to “show instead of tell.” They let the audience imagine what it would be like to experience the same wonderful benefits without you needing to bore them by listing all of the benefits.
A word of caution: testimonials have to be real and authentic and believable, because if they aren’t, you are destroying your credibility.
Strong Call to Action
This is where you want to channel your inner-Billy Mays and tell your audience exactly what to do. This can feel uncomfortable or forward to implement, but having a clear and solid call to action — and repeating it — is essential.
If rest of your message resonates with your audience, the right call to action can drive your audience past indecision, get them off the fence, and get them to sign up for your services or request more information — even if it isn’t the middle of the night.
Aubrey Collins is the director of marketing and communications at MediaTree, a supplier of branded digital entertainment cards. She fell in love with the promotional products industry in 2011 at her first PPAI Expo. She shares her perspective on everything from the industry, what parenting continues to teach her about business, to what marketing campaigns make her cry on her blog. Connect with her on Twitter or email her