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Crystal D Honors Late Founder By Giving Back

Something they have lived out their entire existence

11/5/2024 | PromoJournal Staff, Promos With Purpose

Edition 4
Nov. 5, 2024
Crystal D

  • WATER FOR SOUTH SUDAN. This charity works to address human life and the environment.
  • INTL. RETT SYNDROME FOUNDATION. This foundation is making strides with research break-throughs helping to extend the independent life of patients.
  • DAVE THOMAS FOUNDATION FOR ADOPTION. This foundation is dedicated to finding forever families for the more than 140,000 children waiting to be adopted from foster care in the US and Canada. 
  • 4 PAWS FOR ABILITY. This organization has provided over 18,000 service dogs to children, adults, and veterans will disabilities and special needs. 
CRYSTAL D introudced the Legacy Gallery to honor their late founder, Chuck Dahlgren, who was known for his deep belief in generosity and giving back. Each year they choose 4 non-profits which they support through purchases from the Legacy Gallery, which is part of the Crystal D Cares community outreach program.

In honoring Chuck's legacy, this year's non-profits were selected based on the populations they serve, their financial health, and that 90% or more of every donation goes directly to their program's mission.

The Legacy Gallery was introduced in late 2023 but Crystal D has lived out the spirit of giving for their entire existence with employees making ongoing donations to a local food shelf, packing meals, and cleaning up roads - giving back is  part of who they are!


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