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Five Hot Post Pandemic Markets

To Quickly Boost Your Promo Sales!

6/9/2021 | Rosalie Marcus, Promo Biz Coach

No doubt about it, the pandemic has forever changed the way we do business and the promotional products industry is no exception! If you’re like many in the industry you saw a significant decline in sales in the past year. Here’s the good news, vaccination rates are up; many mask mandates have been lifted and businesses are reopening in record numbers. As a promotional products sales-professional you are in a great position to help these businesses thrive post pandemic!

If you’re looking to grow your sales quickly, here are five hot promo markets to pursue! 

1.  Work-From-Home. The pandemic forced businesses to allow their employees to work remotely. These days many companies have decided to keep WFH as a permanent option and many employees are excited about the opportunity to work remotely from anywhere in the world. As a promotional products consultant you can provide the products that keep remote working employees connected, happy and productive.  Products such as flash drives, power chargers, logoed apparel and gourmet snacks are needed and appreciated. This is a market that’s not going away!

2. Travel and Leisure. Travel practically “ground to a halt” with the advent of the pandemic, but not anymore. Airports and airlines are full, and cruise lines and popular vacation destinations are being booked in record numbers. What does this mean to you as a promotional products consultant? Competition is plentiful and all these companies want to stand out.  Gifts of appreciation such as luggage tags, travel bags, journals and gourmet snacks are popular with this market as well as a multitude of other items.

3. Health and Fitness:  The pandemic emphasized for many people the importance of taking care of their health. Gyms may have closed during the pandemic, but many people kept up their fitness routines at home. Items such as yoga mats, strength training bands and weights and fitness clothes are big sellers as well as essential oils and candles. I believe this is a market that will continue to thrive.

4. Real Estate: Interest rates continue to be low and home sales are booming! Real estate agents are always in the market for gifts for new home owners. It’s a highly competitive market and gifts for referrals as well as signage and unique business cards are always in demand. Vertical markets such as mortgage brokers and title companies are also thriving and a great to pursue!  

5. Events: Concerts, trade shows, non-profit fund raisers and cultural performances are all coming back in droves and your help is needed to promote these events. Everything from T-shirts to water bottles to high end gifts for donors are needed and you, as a promotional sales-professional, are the right person to help make these events even more successful!

Start concentrating on selling to these thriving markets and your sales are sure to increase. If you’re looking for even more inspiration and ideas check out my latest FREE webinar on How to Double Your Sales in a Post Pandemic World (https://promobizcoach.com/double-your-promo-sales-post-pandemic/) where I share not only the hot markets to pursue  but also proven strategies to get your foot in the door of those markets. 

Here’s to your post-pandemic sales success! 

© 2021 Rosalie Marcus

Rosalie Marcus, The Promo Biz Coach, is a promotional products business expert, sales coach and top-rated speaker. Combining her skills and years of experience in promotional sales, she helps her clients sell more at higher margins to better clients. Get FREE up-to-the-minute sales tips and a FREE On-Demand Webinar 5 Must-Know Strategies for Selling in the New Normal at her website: www.PromoBizCoach.com  Reach her at Rosalie@promobizcoach.com.  
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