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Highlights from the Industry's First Virtual Tradeshow

The Great Outdoors - Brought to you by the PromoShow

6/26/2020 | PromoJournal Staff, Business Trends

On Tuesday, June 23rd the PromoShow hosted the Industry’s first virtual tradeshow. The Great Outdoors themed show featured 29 suppliers who virtually showcased their outdoor products to hundreds of distributors. Laurie Moore, Director of Client Services shared, “Overall, we are very happy with how the first show went. We’d like to thank all of the exhibitors and distributors who participated in this first of its kind event. We will be tweaking a few things before our next show in late July to encourage a higher level of distributor interaction. We’re excited to make improvements and watch the show grow!” 

Some exhibitors dressed for the occasion, donning camo, camp shirts, and hats, while others set up their booths in the great outdoors to add to the virtual experience. Many suppliers took to social media before and during the show which helped to build excitement. Lori Bolton from Logomark shared, "I encouraged my team to have fun with this “virtual” show...take to the outdoors, get out of your house and create your own space, make it your own. I had three reps participate - one was under a gazebo in her backyard, another poolside, and one on his boat on the lake. It was nice to see them in action with customers, this is where they shine. It was a chance for them to reconnect and engage with customers, showcase our products, and have fun!”

Starline, a show sponsor, donated an outdoor prize pack that all attendees were automatically entered to win. Niki Asher from Paramount Promotions was the lucky winner. Congratulations, Niki!

Brandon Pecharich, Director of Digital Media and Amelia Madl, Vice President of Sales manned the Help Desk on the day of the show. Any one in need of support was encouraged to stop by for on the spot assistance. The Help Desk is open on PromoShow.com Monday - Thursday 10 - 3 EDT and during all scheduled shows. Anyone who is interested in exhibiting or learning how to access booths and engage with exhibitors is welcome to stop by!

Amelia Madl worked closely with exhibitors leading up to this week’s event to ensure they were comfortable with this new tradeshow format. Her thoughts on the day, “PromoShow’s first event was a huge success. I'm proud to be part of such an amazing team and to work for a company that is innovative, forward-thinking, and not afraid to take risks. Being the first virtual tradeshow event in the Industry, there were a few issues that kicked off the day, but we were able to quickly fix those. We have since implemented several improvements to make our next show even better.”

PromoShow will be hosting three more virtual tradeshows in 2020 - Made in the USA on July 28, Drinkware on August 25 and Holiday Gifts on September 29. Anyone interested in more information can visit www.promoshow.com or reach out to amelia@promocorner.com.
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