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Promoting an Attitude of Gratitude

"Thank you!" is a powerful phrase

8/19/2021 | PromoJournal Staff, Product Feature

Something noticeable that was positive during the pandemic were the “thank you, healthcare heroes” signs, expressing gratitude to healthcare workers who diligently helped COVID patients in the early days of the pandemic when there was no control over the spread. Gratitude is the attitude people want to feel -- both giving it and receiving it. 

“Thank you” is a powerful phrase. Saying it means a lot to the recipient – but showing it through a promotional product will generate those “good vibes” every time it is seen and/or used.

Forrester Research has noted that it costs five times more to acquire new customers than it does to maintain existing ones. A great way for your customers to create loyalty among their customers is to ensure they feel appreciated. A powerful tactic to employ is to provide a thank-you gift immediately (or shortly thereafter) after purchasing from your customer, or shortly thereafter.

A “thank you” gift to employees will make them feel appreciated and thus will increase their motivation and productivity. A Gallup Business Journal poll noted that the total loss of productivity from disengaged or disinterested employees amounts to a gargantuan $300 billion a year.

Currently, this can be exacerbated by the current climate of social, political, and economic uncertainty. No doubt about it, it’s a time of upheaval where people feel nervous and anxious, and it’s easy to slide into negative thought patterns. This is why helping your customers to create a “thank you” campaign does a world of good by generating warmth and positivity. This in turn increases the opportunities for end-user loyalty and referrals.

Every customer can likely incorporate a thank-you promotional item for a wide array of reasons and to mark certain points in time (a 10th anniversary, for example, a new office location or dealership).

Your customer’s business and industry, and therefore, its target audience (patients, clients, customers, investors), will provide a starting point for gathering items to present. For example, a thank-you gift from high-end car dealership to a buyer will be different than a children’s boutique celebrating its 10th birthday and saying “thank you” to shoppers for their support.

Charities and foundations are all about “thank you” when they host a fundraising event from an informal 5K run to a black-tie gala. For example, E-promos’ client, the Tri-County Human Society in St. Cloud, MN, which depends on donors to fund their efforts, hosts an annual gala event “Wine, Kibbles and Bids” to help raise money for the TCHS animal shelter. When the doors open, guests are greeted with a gift as a thank you for attending and supporting the mission. The TCHS gives each guest a branded wine glass, which many collect to use at home.

And of course, there is the “thank you for stopping by” a tradeshow booth – now that shows are back in person. Beyond the freebies available for walk-by picking, perhaps suggesting that your exhibiting client give something a little more substantial to those potential buyers who booth sales personnel deem to be quality, interested prospects. For example, Custom Chocolate has several “thank you” molded chocolate bar offerings that the booth sales and executives can hand out to new prospects who spent time and who seem promising as customers or clients.

And for those who order and/or purchase, there is an assortment of higher-end items (Bluetooth speakers, wine/wine totes, bamboo grilling sets, plush blankets, etc.) that can be sent to their offices after the show.

Ensure that each thank-you item your client sends out is accompanied by a logoed thank you card, such as those available from Warwick Publishing.

Start by asking each client:  who do you want to thank and why? Then build the gratitude campaign from there. If a customer balks, respond with a clever quote from John D. Rockefeller: “Giving is investing.” Saying (or showing) gratitude is giving. 

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