Being a musicophile, Cindy and her friends would follow bands around and dance the night away in the late 1980’s.
Rick, a member of one the bands Cindy followed, remembers having a secret attraction for her. He even told the drummer once, “That girl over there is so pretty, but she doesn’t even acknowledge me.”
It just so happened they met in person at an anniversary party for friends in 1987. “I knew of him,” Cindy says, “but I thought he was a punk.” End of that story.
On her way home from the anniversary party, Cindy breezed right past a person stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire. She thought about stopping to help. But why bother? She knew who it was and had already dismissed and labeled the individual as cocky and arrogant.
But it didn’t take long for guilt to get the best of her. Cindy slammed the brakes, turned around and returned to offer to help.
The Universe sure has a creative way of arranging things! Rick’s flat tire gave Cindy a chance to spend one-on-one time with him. She discovered he wasn’t a punk after all. Nor was he cocky or arrogant. Raised by a Baptist minister, Rick was taught to walk the straight and narrow line. He was a good family man with morals and values, much like hers, plus a heart and soul for God, just like her.
From bands to the bonds of Holy Matrimony, Cindy and Rick Pittsley wed on May 27th, 1989.
Four children and ten grandchildren later, the couple remains inseparable. Cindy says, “If you see me, you see him.”
During the twenty years Rick was employed with Winthrop-Atkins a promotional products supplier in Middleboro, Massachusetts, Cindy worked with him there for fifteen of those years. 
After Winthrop-Atkins closed Cindy eventually landed a job as a printer at Bay State, a supplier in Lakeville, Massachusetts. When a warehouse manager job opened up at Bay State, Rick interviewed and got the job. They were now not only together at home, but together again at work.
Bay State is fortunate to have them as hard-working employees, but Cindy and Rick are equally as grateful to have employers as wonderful as Bay State.
With one hundred percent dedication not only to each other but to their jobs as well, they are the first two to arrive at the office every morning around six o’clock. Rick opens the building, turns on the lights and gets the equipment up and running while Cindy begins brewing the coffee. Usually, it’s late into the night before they lock up and leave. After a few hours of sleep, they start fresh the following day, never complaining but praising their employer.
Rick says, “Bay State treats us with respect. And there is always a surprise down the line—like they will come in with donuts, cake, and pizza. At Easter, everyone received pastries and an Easter plant.”
Just like the promotional items Bay State stocks and prints such as jar openers, tape measures, pill boxes, and many other useful household and health related items, a gift—large or small—can send a huge heartfelt message of appreciation, and that goes a long way. During the pandemic, Bay State distributed a large order. In return, they got a big box of goodies filled with candy, pastries and cookies along with a card thanking them for a job well done.
When asked if there were any challenges working together, the answer was not only an emphatic “no” from both of them, but Cindy added, “Everybody loves Rick. He is such a jokester. My sister works behind me so he’s always coming by and pulling a prank on us. He is good with one-liners, too.”
They not only love each other, they love their jobs and their lives together. Every weekend throughout their thirty-two year marriage, Rick continued playing in the band and Cindy sang karaoke. The two never took a vacation because they worked all the time.
In October 2020, they decided to exchange the band life for free weekends, which has provided them an opportunity to remodel their old house. Lovers of the outdoors, mowing their three acres is not a chore but a delight as is tending their garden and taking care of their six dogs, all rescues. And, most importantly, they enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren every chance they get.
“We don’t sit too long. We like to keep going,” Cindy laughs.
Just imagine if Cindy had kept going the night of Rick’s flat tire. What a life they might have missed.
Thankfully, her conscience wouldn’t give her a pass. She turned the car around and went the extra mile to rescue Rick from a flat tire.
Now let’s fill the air with love by sending anniversary wishes their way May 27th when Rick and Cindy Pittsley celebrate thirty-two years of a happy life together.
Kathryn Kaufmann is a freelance writer and the author of Marriages Meant to Be, Dating Daisy Fields and The Priest and the Princess. Her books can be found on Amazon,, and autographed copies can be purchased through She also owns Authentic Creations, an ASI Distributor located in Birmingham, Alabama.