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SOUL / Life Balance

By Sam Kabert (originally posted 6/12/19)

9/5/2023 | PromoJournal Staff, From The Freezer

WORK / Life Balance Model is Broken

From a young age, we are programmed with this concept of “Work / Life Balance”. It wasn’t until recently that I began to question the philosophy of work/life balance. As I pondered this concept, I realized that it’s odd that we are trying to find a balance of work and life. To me, work is just one aspect of life.

My Father has instilled another philosophy into me since I was a kid and that is “work to live, don’t live to work”. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist or anything like that, but our system is built for most of us to be slaves to the system. We’re conditioned to find that perfect 9-5 J-O-B so that we can get our white picket fence and be able to afford to indulge in experiences, vacations, products and more that will bring us happiness. This is fine, nothing wrong with that - I expect that is our culture. I do not accept that we have to work a 9-5 though. There is more to life than simply just working.

I suggest you may want to consider your relationship with “work”, when work becomes your focus, effects your mood in your personal life and you begin to change your plans in your personal life because of “work”. To be more specific, how many times do you avoid an evening out or just a late night in general just because you don’t want to be tired the following morning because you have work?

When you work with virtual assistants you are able to clone yourself to maximize your productivity and efficiencies. I always get asked how I’m able to do so much - whether it be juggling multiple podcasts and YouTube shows, writing 3 books in less than a year, a weekly personal blog all while managing a thriving business. The answer is simple, I work so that I can live my life the way I want to live it and my team is comprised of virtual assistants.

SOUL / Life Balance

Back to the purpose of this post … SOUL / Life Balance. I feel most alive when I am in touch with my soul. The work/life balance model just doesn’t cut it for me anymore. It puts too large of a focus on work. I much rather put my focus on connecting with my higher purpose (soul).

My meditations are a non-negotiable as are my workouts. I need to meditate and work out every single day. Whether it be something small that is just for consistency sake or it is prioritizing getting long workouts in while neglecting my inbox for just a bit so that I can focus on me.


Take a look at your current work schedule. What are the tasks, conversations and moments in your day that bring you down? Why do they bring you down? What can you do about them?

Getting started working with VA’s is easy. Create an account on FreeeUp and within a few business days, you will have 2-3 candidates for your job posting.

If you want to learn more about VA’s, I recommend you check out my book.

What are you waiting for? Live your life and remember work is just a component in life.

To Cloning Yourself,

Sam AKA SwagSam

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