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Shake It Up

How do you turn and face the strange and unpredictable?

11/7/2019 | Mike Schenker, MAS, Uncommon Threads

It was the great philosopher Lennon (that is: John) who wrote “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans”.  It was the other philosopher Bueller (that is, Ferris) who stated “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”.  That one’s less relevant, but I’ve always liked it and figured this was as good an excuse as any to use it.  Perhaps another source of inspiration is everyone’s GPS, who (at least mine) regularly states “Recalculating”. 

Who of us isn’t, at one time or another?  I don’t know about you but, in my life, the only consistency is change (Trophy Wife notwithstanding).  Curve balls get thrown at us on a regular basis.  We’ve got a course plotted, and then a storm approaches.  It’s how we deal with these sudden changes that make us who we are.  In some cases, we are made into quivering piles, laying on the floor in the fetal position, but it doesn’t have to be (even I’ve stopped doing that!).  We all have to be ready for the next surprise or curveball thrown at us. 

In that I’m often in the mode of zigging where I’d planned to zag, it’s been my ability to shake things up that has kept me sane (okay…up to a point).  We all have to allow for the unexpected.  It’s how we deal with it that makes us who we are. 

The following is a collection of thoughts and ideas as to how to turn and face the strange.  As I’d mentioned before, I’ve spoken and written about this before.  If it’s not a way of life for you, then it really should be.   You’ve made it a point of reading this far into my column…there’s a positive change for you right there!  We can’t be afraid of making changes in your life and your career.  Buckle up and deal with it. 

Maybe it’s as a result of all those creative writing classes I allegedly took, but I know how to tell a story and keep you interested.  Allow for and expect the Plot Twists.  Here are some pearls of wisdom (or whatever it is I use).  Take a read and let me know what you think:

  • Every great story has a plot twist.  You wouldn’t want to read a story without a plot twist.  You cheer and cry at the end of a great story because you know how hard it was because you know that the protagonist was against all odds and, despite wanting to give up s/he kept on going.  All hope was lost and yet…success.
  • Not enough people embrace their plot twists.  Our dream is nothing but plot points along our own story.  When plot twists come along and we think “it’s a failure”, our nature is to let it stop us.  The opposite of success is not failure.  The opposite of success is inaction and indecision…giving up…never trying.  My point?  Don’t do nothing…double negative notwithstanding.
  • In the words of Albert Einstein, success is failure in progress.  That’s ironic, as per a popular internet meme (as such, take this at face value), Einstein’s parents felt that he was “sub-normal” as he did not speak until he was four years old.  Teachers also believed that he was “mentally slow”.
  • Many so-called “overnight successes” were actually the results of ten years of failure
  • Website crashed?  Plot twist
  • That didn’t work?  Plot twist
  • Someone gave up on you?  Plot twist
  • I love this one: If someone were to make a movie about the story of your life…if you succeeded at everything you set out to do, that would be the most boring story ever.  No one would want to see that.  As to who would portray you…get creative!
  • The stories where someone should have given up…but didn’t….that’s what people want to see.  This makes you relatable.
  •  Big failures: Look up Laugh-o-Gram Films: this was an early failure of Walt Disney’.  He was also fired from a newspaper job because he “lacked imagination”.  We’ve all seen the memes about Michael Jordan being cut from his high school basketball team.  Steve Jobs was unceremoniously dumped by Apple, only to be brought back as its savior.
  • Pushing through the plot twists makes for the best stories.
  • Scars and failures don’t tell the story of who you are and what you’ve been through…that’s not you.  You have to move past that.  They’re part of you, but they don’t define you.
  • Keep writing your stories.  Don’t throw that manuscript in the trash.  The world needs your dreams.  And your plot twists.

Just be you…with some wiggle room.  Besides…who else would you really want to be?

Mike Schenker, MAS, is “all that” at Mike Schenker, Consulting, where he assists businesses entering the promotional products industry, mentors professionals, and offers association management.  He is a promotional industry veteran and member of the Specialty Advertising Association of Greater New York (SAAGNY) Hall of Fame. He can be reached at mike@mikeschenker.com.

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