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SoupDuhZhoor - Don't be a honyak!

Angie & Cola share everything they've learned about kitting.

1/7/2021 | Angie and Cola Svec, SoopDuhZhoor

Angie Svec & Cola (Svec) Henderson are a mother-daughter duo and co-owners of Soul & Swag in Omaha, Nebraska. Angie is a born and raised farm girl, a wannabe comedian, movie quoter, storyteller, coach and author of ridiculous poetry. Cola is a philanthropist and giver of the heart, but she will kick your ass in games of irrelevance such as Table Tennis or Stump. She enjoys a good Reece's Peanut Butter Cup, sushi, golf, red wine, cold beers and traveling. They can be reached at angie@soulxswag.com and cola@soulxswag.com.

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Serving up content that inspires, educates and entertains.
Angie and Cola Svec


Serving up content that inspires, educates and entertains.
Angie and Cola Svec
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