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Tell Me What You've Already Done

Sell in new ways, land new clients, reach new heights.

2/25/2020 | Rick Greene, MAS, Be Bold, Be Different, Be Memorable

2020 is here.

It’s a new year, a year of unlimited potential, of new sales goals, a clean slate, an opportunity to do things different… bigger… splashier… to excel.  But the past informs the future. Last year’s challenges and heartaches and wins and losses set the stage for more of the same… or different patterns with different results.  What are you ready to embrace? What are you ready to change? Are you entitled to new tools, new support, new relationships?  Or are you ready to earn them?

I have the extraordinary good fortune to work with one of our industry’s iconic leaders, Marc Simon, the CEO of HALO Branded Solutions.  Marc is the only individual in the history of The Counselor Magazine to be named Person Of The Year TWICE.  I walk away from each encounter with Marc learning something, changing something, creating something.  I thought I’d share one such meeting with a long-time HALO salesperson, Marc Simon and myself and what we came away from this particular meeting learning.

This Account Executive is a Western Region-based person who historically books about $500,000 annually.  While the measure of ultimate success in our industry was – always has been – and still is – the Million Dollar producer, HALO Branded Solutions was built with the sales efforts of hundreds and hundreds of $400K and $500K and $600K producers.  This is a solid base sales volume, it positions you as a full-time promotional products professional who is dedicated to success and it’s a springboard to continued growth, to hitting $750K, $800K, $900K and ultimately… that elite club of Million Dollar Producers.

My salesperson – let’s call him Sammy Dreamer - was hoping to get a fully funded sales assistant, something that is difficult to do at that $500K sales level.  He went into a whole pitch about this new account he was about to land, the projects he’d be quoting and booking, the margins he’d be able to command, the relationship of his key advocate in the new account, how much of a sure thing it was, the help he would need to make it all come together… a heartfelt, believable presentation about this amazing year that he was about to embark upon.  Marc listened carefully to Sammy Dreamer, appreciating the energy and positiveness, and then he said something critically important. Something that changed the course of this meeting and led to a learning moment.

“Don’t tell me what you’re going to do,” Marc said, “Tell me what you’ve done.”

Sammy Dreamer was stopped cold in his tracks.  He stammered and talked about the challenges he’d had in the past year or so, why he had hit that $500K level but no higher and again reinforced his hopes for the coming year.  And then Sammy stopped… and thought quietly… and understood…and GREW.  “You’re right, Marc.  I’m asking for something that I haven’t EARNED yet.  Let’s meet again in one year and I’ll tell you what I’ve accomplished and we can revisit my request then.”

Smart.  Insightful.  Mature. A real growth moment.

Sammy Dreamer TRANSFORMED into Sammy Doer.

I was hearing a catchy Fountains Of Wayne song in my head from the animated movie, “Robots” and the lyrics went “Don’t tell me what you’re going to do… or what you want to do… tell me what you’ve already done!”

There is wisdom in that lyrical message.  About proving yourself. About commitment.  About hard work and doing things in new ways.  About asking for something special AFTER you’ve earned that right.

“Don’t tell me what you’re going to do… or what you want to do… tell me what you’ve already done!”

Hopes and dreams are fine – if they lead to action.  Goals are important – if they motivate you to activity.  But, as we’ve heard our whole lives… actions speak louder than words.  Take action.  Walk a different path.  Create new relationships and leave that comfort zone behind.  BE FEARLESS.  Do something that you haven’t done before.  Ask for help. Consult with your peers. Find a mentor.  Uncover new ways to communicate and connect and tell the truth.  Sell in new ways, land new clients, reach new heights.

And then… and ONLY then… tell me what you’ve already done.

Rick Greene, MAS, is the Western Regional Vice President for Halo Branded Solutions, a Past President and Honorary Life Member of SAAC, on the PPB Editorial Advisory Board and the author of two comic fantasy novels entitled “Boofalo!” and “Shroom!” available at www.amazon.com.  His third book is a non-fiction biography of movie character actor Henry Brandon called “Henry Brandon King Of The Bogeymen” published by BearManor Media and available everywhere fine books are sold.  

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