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The Annual "Incredible Women in Promo" List!

The continued impact of the coronavirus, things they wished they had known when they were younger, burger-scented candles, the Promo Person of the, Week, & more!

3/13/2020 | Kirby Hasseman, Bill Petrie, UnScripted

Industry thought leaders Kirby Hasseman of Hasseman Marketing and Bill Petrie of PromoCorner discuss a variety of hot­-button industry topics in this weekly podcast brought to you by Next Level Apparel and Tekweld. Watch the video above - or subscribe to PromoCorner on your favorite podcast client - to hear their unfiltered thoughts on everything marketing, branding, and promotional.
Next up from UnScripted...

Deep Night unScripted!

Nashville tornadoes, distributors direct sourcing, media & the coronavirus, celebrating episode 200, the lifespan of a laptop, the Promo Person of the Week, & more!
Kirby Hasseman, Bill Petrie

Promo at the Kobe Bryant Memorial

New challenges, promo to commemorate the Astros cheating, cutting the cable/satellite cord, subscription model in promo, the Promo Person of the Week & more!
Kirby Hasseman, Bill Petrie

The Challenge of Regional Accents

Bold industry predictions, a "Fashion Masterclass" for distributors, printing a retro newsletter, Athletes speak out on cheating, the Promo Person of the Week, & more
Kirby Hasseman, Bill Petrie
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