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The Choice to Be a Victor

The path of the victim is an easy one.

5/10/2024 | Paul Kiewiet, Pursuit of Purpose

Every day we are faced with choices that will shape the direction of our lives. Do we choose to be the victim, blaming others and circumstances for our struggles? Do we opt to play the villain, hurting those around us through our selfishness and negative actions? Or do we rise up and become the victor - taking full responsibility for our lives and achieving our greatness?

The path of the victim is an easy one. When we fall into victimhood, we surround ourselves with enablers who will excuse our failures and provide unending sympathy. We tell ourselves and others stories that absolve us of blame. "I can't succeed because my parents didn't support me." "I'm not wealthy because the system is rigged against me." "I can't be fit because I have bad genetics." On and on go the rationalizations as we reinforce the storyline that makes us the victim.

Choosing to be the villain provides a temporary hit. By hurting others, manipulating situations to our advantage, and acting in self-interest alone, we may experience moments of power and control. But this path leads to alienation, broken relationships, and a life devoid of deeper meaning. Those who opt to be the villain end up as the truest victims - imprisoned by their own harmful patterns.

The superior choice is to be the victor. Not the victor over others, but the victor over ourselves and our circumstances through disciplined personal growth. The victor takes radical responsibility, looks inward to strengthen their core values, and maintains unwavering commitment to their highest sense of purpose. With a positive mindset, the victor strives continually to live in alignment with their ideals.

Victors create their own joy and flourishing, independent of external successes or failures. They are secure enough to feel empathy for victims and villains while refusing to compromise their principles. Living as a victor is demanding and requires consistent effort, but it is the path to achieving your full potential and life's deepest fulfillment.

The choice is yours. You can be the victim and receive some fleeting pity. You can opt to be the villain and experience hollow victories. Or you can commit to the journey of the victor - aligning with your highest values to realize the radiant life you were born to live.

Paul Kiewiet MAS+ is an industry speaker, writer, consultant and coach. Kiewiet was inducted into the PPAI Hall of Fame and the MiPPA Hall of Fame. He served as Chairman of PPAI in 2007. A former distributor, he founded Promotion Concepts, Inc in 1982 and worked with some of America’s most valuable brands including Coca-Cola, Kelloggs, and Whirlpool.
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