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The Rise of the Side Hustle

We have the ability to reach far more people than just “local” alone.

5/12/2020 | Sam Kabert, Success with Swag(ger)

I was recently listening to a James Altucher podcast with special guest Mark Cuban (listen here) and Cuban said something that got me thinking… he mentioned side hustles. Specifically, that now is the time for people to start side hustles. Cuban went on to say about how local side hustles more than anything will prevail as people will want to support their local communities. I completely agree that now more than ever it is important to consider additional revenue streams, but to be honest, we have the ability to reach far more people than just “local” alone.

Take me for example… I’ve been a side hustle proponent for a few years now and made it official with the launch of my coaching business “Clone Yourself” in the Fall of 2019. I’ve been the “VA Guy” in the Swag industry for a number of years and no more than ever is it important for us to consider adding virtual assistants to our business. But hey, I’ve written enough about VAs, this topic is to inspire you about starting your next side hustle. Of course, you might want to consider VAs to support you in the launch of a new business, but for now let’s try to focus (sorry, it can be hard for me to focus at times… squirrel!)

The Importance of Clarity

I’ve been seeking clarity in my business for quite some time, in fact this extends to prior shelter in place (SIP) lifestyle. I’ve been mixing my time with my swag business and my coaching business and haven’t dedicated enough time to either. When SIP first hit, I put out a ton of new content… webinars like how to open doors during a recession, how content creation increases sales, and things like that. Well, at some point I did an internal exercise realizing that I needed clarity in my direction. So, as I began to whiteboard my passions, interests, expertise, along with my why I really gained clarity in the direction I want to take my own business. What does this mean for you?

Well, I created a guide to help you along your journey for clarity which includes the exercises I did within my own business to find clarity. You can find the guide here. Just to be clear, this guide is for you if you are feeling stuck in your business OR if you are interested in starting a side hustle. If you don’t fall under either of those categories, then with love don’t worry about checking out the guide :)

Passions Meet Expertise

We all came to this planet in our current incarnation with inherent gifts. Truthfully though, sometimes it is extremely difficult to realize our own gifts. Most often our friends, family, and colleagues can identify our gifts more than we ever could dream of. The fact of the matter is that you do have gifts and you will feel incomplete if you’re not sharing your gifts.

Case in point: I have a friend who is the Marketing Director for a very well-known amusement park. I was talking with her recently and she was mentioning how unfulfilled she’s been feeling recently. She went on to tell me that as she explored her feelings deeper she realized that she missed being in service. She, as she went about her day at the theme park she would help anyone in the park from employees to guests. She thrives off of helping others, making sure her employees are in a role where they can thrive, and providing lasting memories to families visiting the parks. This is literally just a top-of-mind example of a gift all of us can relate to.

Having gifts alone isn’t enough though… We need expertise and just as much as all of us have unique gifts is we also have unique expertise. Just call me if you don’t believe you are an expert in anything (I guarantee after a 30-minute call we will uncover your area of expertise… trust me). 

When your gifts align with your passions and your expertise, you have uncovered your secret sauce! I walk you through this formula in the “Clarity Guide” I referenced earlier (link here). Each and every one of us is ripe and ready to take on a side hustle endeavor. I mean if you feel called for the journey. As you know Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone, but if you do feel called to start a new side hustle… now is the time. What have you ever been waiting for?!

Next Steps

I feel like I have a ton of resources to help guide you, but I’m blanking on what they might be other than the clarity guide I linked. So in lieu of scouring CloneYourselfUniversity.com for more resources on how to uncover your gifts, I’m just going to leave this here. Please email me (Sam@SoulSeekrz.com) if this resonates with you and you’d want some extra help on unpacking your unique scenario. My why is to inspire and motivate soulful people to take BOLD ACTION to pursue their highest excitement. Literally, this is what lights me up… talking with other Entrepreneurs and helping to guide them on their journey in a mentorship type role.

Oh, and I just launched a new course by the way. Not that you asked, but in case you’re interested in building a course my “Hero’s Builder Course” is a course designed to help you launch your first course with ease (you can find all the info here).

Remember, now is the time to diversify your revenue streams and if you need help - I’m here to be your guide.

Sam Kabert is the creative director of SwagWorx and the creator and co-host of the podcast “WhatUp Silicon Valley!” A risk taker who embraces permanent beta, Sam is leading the transformation of his family-run office supplies business into a promotional products powerhouse. Sam can be reached at Sam@SwagWorx.com.

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