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Three Noteworthy Trends to Increase Your Promo Sales!

Trends to Follow

11/11/2020 | Rosalie Marcus, Promo Biz Coach

No doubt about it, 2020 has been a challenging year, to say the least!  The Pandemic, hurricanes, fires, floods and a contentious election have made this the year never to forget!

However, there are some bright lights at the end of the tunnel, including a vaccine on the horizon, and for promotional products sales professionals, like you, some noteworthy trends that can markedly increase your sales now and in the future!  

1.     Ban on Plastic Bags.  Concerns for the environment continue to proliferate. Nine states (with New Jersey being the most recent to pass legislation that takes effect in 2022) now have a ban or pending ban on single use plastic bags. California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon and Vermont—have banned single-use plastic bags. This is a great opportunity to promote reusable cloth bags to your clients and prospects. The imprint area is large, they are needed by everyone, they’re walking billboards and they come in all price ranges. I predict the need will only be greater with more states joining the ban in future years. 

2.     Legalization of Marijuana. Although the election results may be uncertain for some, one thing is for sure, legal weed was a big winner!  In our latest election, four more states made recreational weed legal. As the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws put it “Marijuana remained undefeated on Election Day.”   As I write this, 47 of the 50 states allow for some form of medical marijuana. This can be a tricky market to navigate since advertising and marketing of cannabis dispensaries have some restrictions, and every state has different guidelines. Do your research before you approach this burgeoning market, and you may be the recipient of some nice size orders!  Another opportunity may lie with packaging solutions for marijuana dispensaries. Suppliers such as the Lincoln Line (http://www.thelincolnline.com) have full line of cannabis packaging solutions.

3.     Online Enhancement Tools. Online meetings via Zoom or Skype or other online platforms are the way we conduct business meetings now and it’s the form of communication that’s here to stay. Everyone wants to look their best!  Online meeting enhancement tools such as ring lights, tripod stands, background screens are more popular than ever and present a great opportunity for increased promo sales. Digital tools such as flash drives, power banks, earbuds headphones and screen cleaners are always needed. And let’s not forgot, the logoed clothing that many companies are asking their sales force to wear to present a professional image during online meetings. All of these digital enhancement tools present great opportunities to increase your sales! 

Follow these three trends and watch your sales grow!  Have a great month and very happy Thanksgiving holiday!

© 2020 Rosalie Marcus

Rosalie Marcus, The Promo Biz Coach, is a promotional products business expert, sales coach and top-rated speaker. Combining her skills and years of experience in promotional sales, she helps her clients sell more at higher margins to better clients. Get FREE up-to-the-minute sales tips and a FREE On-Demand Webinar 5 Must-Know Strategies for Selling in the New Normal at her website: www.PromoBizCoach.com  Reach her at Rosalie@promobizcoach.com.  
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