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Tips for Growing Sales

Are your customers happy?

7/22/2021 | Danette Gossett, From Good to Great

As business picks up again around the country, I have noticed that the overall business landscape has changed. Many promotional product businesses had to let people go, or decided it was time to merge or retire or just close. It was a tough time for everyone.

As a result, I have found there are two areas that need attention. Our sales team and our sales efforts. While they may sound the similar, in reality for me they are not.

One of my sales team has had a very difficult time in refocusing and gaining structure again. He had COVID and some other health issues over the past year and they basically took the wind out of his sales. Literally.

I have given him time to regroup but he has found keeping focus to be nearly impossible. As a seasoned sales professional you wouldn’t think it would be hard, but these are different times and everyone has reacted differently to them.

Get Back To Sales Basics

Now, I have encouraged my account manager to get back to the basics. He is developing a new prospect list and has weekly call and sales goals for prospects and existing customers. I’ve provided him a spreadsheet to help him stay on track with these weekly goals. And he and I have a one-on-one coaching call each Monday. Prior to Covid none of this was necessary, but now, he needs a bigger helping hand.

If you need help, ask for it. If you are a manager or owner, suggest it. I admit, I waited too long to push. I am hopeful that now he will be able to pull himself out of his funk.

An Opportunity to Gain Sales

While no one wants to take advantage of other’s misfortunes, it is an opportunity. If my guy hasn’t been on his A-game, what about other companies?

Just last week I got a call from two businesses looking for a new promotional marketing company. Someone that could take care of their overall needs. Of course, I said, we are here for you!

So, it got me to thinking. Do our new business efforts need to change?

Lately, I have been concentrating our efforts on making sure our existing customers know we are still here. I had a long meeting last week with one client to evaluate their needs for the next 6-9 months. When she arrived, she had a colleague from another department with her. She indicated that the companies (she was working with two) had each gotten rid of “her” person and she felt she was no longer being taken care of.

Are Your Customers Happy?

I told here we would take care of her. So, that reminded me of my business situation. I had an account manager retire during the pandemic and we are taking care of her clients now. That meeting reinforced my resolve to make sure all our clients are being attended to appropriately. Something perhaps to add to your list. If you have had to restructure your salesforce, you may want to make sure as a manager or owner that you also reach out. If you are the salesperson, reach out a little extra during this time to secure your position with the customer.

Help Your Customers Re-Awaken

In addition, I continue to find many businesses are still in the “awakening” process. They are working on programs and projects that are months out. Many are still working remotely and have been told they may be through the end of the year. And they are being asked to develop their budgets for these programs so staying in touch is paramount.

But, what about those businesses I do not do business with? What are they doing now? Are they being taken care of, or is this a new opportunity? How do I find them?

Obviously, we all have our ways of finding new business. In the past, mine was staying involved in the community and making the most of my connections through referrals and networking. Networking is starting to come back, but the events are still few and far between.

Find Out Where Your Customers Went

One area that I am researching more and more is to discover where my customers have gone that got laid off. When I hear that someone left or get a “they no longer work here” response, I head straight to LinkedIn and reach out. One last week responded with a resounding “Thanks for reaching out, I’ll be in touch soon”. I hope that’s true, but if not, she’s already on my calendar to check in with again in a few weeks.

If you are not using LinkedIn daily in your sales efforts, I do believe you are missing out. If your network of connections is small, start reaching out. Send invites to all your existing customers to join your network. You will be amazed at how quickly your network grows and how many more people within the company will ask to join.

Sometimes I will see someone I never did business with at an existing customer has moved to a new company. I will reach out and explain what we did for his/her previous company as part of my introduction. It works.

Survey Your Customers for Feedback And Sales

At the start of each year, I send out a satisfaction survey to each customer. I time it to go out prior to the PPAI show. I indicate that in addition to getting feedback on how we are doing I am going to the show and want to be able to discover new ideas for them. I include some open-ended questions. For example, do you have any events coming up that need our help? Are you interested in an employee loyalty program? Is there anyone else within your organization that could use our services? Can you recommend us to a colleague at a different company?

This year, I will be sending out the survey in the fall to customers and prospects. Asking more questions about how they see business moving forward. What new initiatives are being explored because of the Pandemic? How are they keeping their employees engaged? And more. I know I will get responses and I will use their answers to help increase my sales. 

Danette Gossett is the founder of Gossett Marketing, co-founder of Promotions Rescource LLC and co-author of the best-selling book “Transform” with Brian Tracy. Danette utilizes her more than 30 years of advertising agency and corporate marketing experience to develop effective promotional campaigns and products for her clients. Visit GossettMktg.com or SalesPromo.org and follow us on twitter @MarketngTidbits. 
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