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What is Flow State?

...and how to get in it.

6/8/2021 | Sam Kabert, Success with Swag(ger)

I don't know about you, but I'm always hearing about flow state … But, what does it actually mean to be "in flow"?

Well, here's the thing ... and maybe you don't want to hear this (because I know I don't) ...

Flow state isn't just something we can summon and it's not something we can stay in forever.

To be in flow (to me) means that you are essentially "in the zone" … you're "on fire" ...  and you're able to birth your creativity into something extraordinary!  

But, how does one exactly get into flow state?

Here are my top 3 suggestions ...

1) Let it Pass: 

I'm in one of those lulls currently. You know what I'm talking about ... just lacking the energy to do the creative activities that really light me up. In the past I would be in resistance, however, what I've learned over the years is to embrace it. 

Resistance for me looked like fighting the truth that I just need a break. It might be a break from work completely, it could be a break from creative tasks, or it might be so simple to just mix up your work routine. Routines are great, but without mixing it up every now and then it can hinder creativity due to the feeling of living the same day over and over again. Follow your intuition because it’ll lead to creativity!

Next time you’re in a non-creative state, simply embrace the lull.

Mantra:  "This too shall pass".

2) Movement: 

When all else fails, get some movement in! I'm not talking about your typical movement. If you typically think of movement as working out and you're like me and don't like to dance, then the answer is dancing! For me, that looks like banging my drum and moving around with some good tunes while my pup jumps up on me to join the party!

One of my mentors, Aubrey Marcus, often talks about how the thing we’re afraid of doing will lead to more fulfillment. Said another way, Carl Jung said “the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek”.

Movement is great, but you want to challenge yourself and find a new way to get the creativity in your body unleashed!

3) Accountability: 

This one is a no-brainer! When you have an accountability buddy, you are more likely to succeed! I know this from personal experiences - most notably looking back to 2014 when I got into doing triathlons with no prior experience as a runner, swimmer, or even cycling. My homie and I tracked each other's progress on a weekly basis and within a year I had completed over 5 triathlons!

In business, most of you know - but just in case you don't ... Masterminds have been the catalyst to building a million dollar business while working less than 4 hours a day!

Speaking of Masterminds, my mastermind is still open - if you want to learn more reply back to this email OR click the link here :)

To Riding the Wave of Creativity,

Sam Kabert is the creative director of SwagWorx and the creator and co-host of the podcast “WhatUp Silicon Valley!” A risk taker who embraces permanent beta, Sam is leading the transformation of his family-run office supplies business into a promotional products powerhouse. Sam can be reached at Sam@SwagWorx.com.
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