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What's your favorite saying?

See what these industry duos have to say

6/6/2024 | PromoJournal Staff, How Far Did The Apple Fall?

What's your favorite saying?         
Kirby Hasseman, 2nd GEN
Hasseman Marketing
The greatest distance in the world is the distance between "I know" and "I do." 
Jade Crider, 3rd GEN
Hasseman Marketing
Fake it until you make it! 
Bill Clay, 3rd GEN
If you are dumb, you've got to be tough! 
Heather O'Neill, 4th GEN
At work, "random question" for most of my requests 
Dan Townes, 3rd GEN
We are all wh*&#s, it is just a question of price. 
Daniel Townes, 4th GEN
Well done is better than well said. 
Angie Hauptman, 1st GEN
Mylo Brand Studio
It's ok, I have an invisible toilet seat around my neck. Also, good luck, don't suck! 
Cola Henderson, 2nd GEN
Mylo Brand Studio
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou

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