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Sponsors - Click for samples, personalization, and more offers

Zoom Security Issues!

The NFL Draft done from home, promo people marketing medical supplies, creating more content, the bobblehead hall of fame, Promo Person of the Week, & more!

4/10/2020 | Kirby Hasseman, Bill Petrie, UnScripted

Industry thought leaders Kirby Hasseman of Hasseman Marketing and Bill Petrie of PromoCorner discuss a variety of hot­-button industry topics in this weekly podcast brought to you by Next Level Apparel and Tervis. Watch the video above - or subscribe to PromoCorner on your favorite podcast client - to hear their unfiltered thoughts on everything marketing, branding, and promotional.
Next up from UnScripted...

Logos Updated to Promote Social Distancing!

How the coronavirus stimulus package impacts promo, Kirby reviews "Tiger King," states banning reusable totes, the Promo Person of the Week, & much more!
Kirby Hasseman, Bill Petrie

Bingeworthy Shows During "Safe at Home" Mandates

How Bill & Kirby are REALLY doing, connecting virtually through PromoShow, tales of great leadership, what promo is selling, the Promo Person of the Week & more
Kirby Hasseman, Bill Petrie

Connecting Emotionally with Remote Teams During Quarantine

The upcoming promo celebration in Coshocton, OH, the proposed federal ban on promo purchases, earthquake in Utah, the Promo Person of the Week, and more!
Kirby Hasseman, Bill Petrie
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