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10 Powerful Lessons Learned in Quarantine

Here is what I’m doing and my best recommendations.

5/13/2020 | Rosalie Marcus, Promo Biz Coach

Like many of you, I’ve been asked to shelter at home for the past two months. The days seem to run together, and many days I feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day!  

Sheltering in place has taught me a lot about what works to get through the day without struggle and to even appreciate this time. Here is what I’m doing and my best recommendations.

1.      Limit the news. During the first few weeks of the Covid-19 crisis I was glued to the news. I don’t know about you, but for me, the more I watched the more depressed and upset I became. These days, I limit my news to half an hour in the evening, as a result my mood is significantly better!

2.      Have a routine. I’ve never been a person who likes routines, but for now, having a routine and following it really works. I reach out to prospects and clients in the morning and answer emails and follow up on any orders in progress. I take a break a lunch a go out for a walk or do an exercise video on You Tube. In the afternoon, I’ll watch an industry related webinar or if it’s Thursday head on over to the Promo Show. I even make time for a 5-minute meditation. There’s something about having a structure that really helps me get through the day.

3.      Share ideas. Our industry is filled with helpful people who readily share ideas on how they promote their business and what’s working now. I regularly check out the email forum Promo Connect from PPAI, PromoShow from PromoCorner, and the Facebook Group Promotional Products Professionals. I try and share my expertise and learn from what others are doing.  

4.      Promote more than PPE. These days my inbox is filled with suppliers and scammers promoting PPE. While I know it’s important, there’s more we can do help businesses than just pushing PPE. Recently I sold an order of playing cards to promote an independent living community to seniors. I’m also working on an order for personalized gifts, which now and in the future will become more important than ever to mitigate the spreading of germs.

5.      Rekindle old friendships. I don’t know what your experience has been, but for me there’s something about being in quarantine that has people reaching out from the past. Friends that I haven’t heard from in ages are texting and calling. I regularly hear from my childhood best friend, and it’s as if we never lost touch and can pick up where we left off.

6.      Shop Smart. I’ve always been a fan of Trader Joe’s, but the quarantine has made me an evangelist. Before masks became mandatory in my town, Trader Joe’s had all their employees wearing them and following social distancing guidelines. Their shelves are well stocked and they even have toilet paper and paper towels. Need I say more!

7.      Get cooking. My husband and I are empty nesters. Before the pandemic, we were eating out a lot or heating up convenience meals.  Now we share the cooking and are making some great meals and loving it. I especially love the recipes from Giada De Laurentiis on the Food Network. This week our favorite is Chicken Cacciatore.  

8.      Start streaming. No matter what mood I’m in I can find something streaming to watch.  I’m a big fan of historical fiction and I’m hooked on Outlander on Netflix. I’ve also loved My Brilliant Friend on HBO, and nothing beats Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO for laughs!

9.      Music is the great elixir.  Can’t go to concerts anymore? You can on your TV! Rock concerts from the past are fun to watch on AXS TV and the apps Pandora and Spotify have every genre of music you can imagine. Nothing lifts my mood better than my favorite music!

10.    Be grateful.  I walk outdoors almost every day for at least 30 minutes.  It reenergizes me and it’s how I get my best ideas. Plus, I’ve noticed beautiful things in my neighborhood that I never saw before. I’m grateful to have this time and appreciate how lucky I am in so many ways.  I know that the pandemic is an inconvenience for me, but others are truly struggling and even losing their lives and I try never to forget that!  

Stay safe and healthy!

Rosalie Marcus, The Promo Biz Coach, is a promotional products business expert, coach, and speaker. Combining her skills and years of experience in promotional sales, she helps her clients quickly and easily grow their sales in any economy! Get a free Checklist 10 BEST FREE or Low-Cost Tools to Sell More & Save Money at her website www.promobizcoach.com or reach her at Rosalie@promobizcoach.com

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