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3 Simple Ways to be a Better PR Agent for Yourself

You are 100% responsible for your personal brand.

5/31/2023 | Taylor Borst , Taylor's Take

We are an industry of brand and optics management. At the forefront, we sell branded merch, custom print and solutions like ecommerce and program management – but at our core, these are all just catalysts to deliver intended optics of a brand. Customers buy tumblers, hoodies, stickers, etc. to create more favorable opinions and relationships with their current and existing buyers.

So when it comes to us applying these same strategies to promote ourselves and our businesses, why do we often fall short? The solution is simple: we must all serve as our own public relations agents. Although it may feel a little silly at first, it helps when I imagine this in a literal sense by asking myself:

“If I worked for me, how would I best advocate for that person?”

Knowing our best bet in changing behaviors is to take it in bite-sized pieces, I’m keeping things brief and approachable this month. Here are three tips to start transforming your approach:

1. Stop assuming that people will think you’re self-centered.  

A common challenge I often hear from people just getting into social media and marketing is a hesitation to self-promote. It’s the fear of being perceived as self-centered. This is a valid concern if your messaging is crafted without tact and humility. Find a balance where you can share details of your life and work. Soften the “bragging” concern by showing appreciation, admiration, and excitement.

It’s likely your audience followed you for a reason…to receive content from and about you. If that’s not the case, their solution is simple: they’ll unfollow you. And that’s okay. Don’t hold yourself back by catering to an audience that was never really yours to begin with. 

2. (Almost) anything can be news. 

You just need get into the mindset of identifying it. You don’t need to wait for the major milestones. If they’re meaningful to you, tell the story of those small, unstructured accomplishments along the way. Examples of this: 

·         You completed an exciting project 

·         Public speaking engagement of any kind 

·         Attended a professional event or a meaningful personal one

·         Learned a new skill or hobby 

·         Discovered a new product (explaining its importance or strategic applications)

·         Certifications earned or training completed

3. Explain the “why” 

Most people cover the “what”, which is the headline of what happened. Few people can masterfully navigate the “why” behind the scenes. 

“What” example: 
I’m proud to have spoken at my local Chamber of Commerce yesterday.

“What + why” example:
I’m proud to have spoken at my local Chamber of Commerce yesterday. It gave me the opportunity to address over 50 local community members, advocating for the use of print and promotional products within our advertising efforts. I’m grateful to not only speak on my topic of expertise, but to serve our community and help reach our marketing goals.  

You can always expand into different mediums like self-promo products, email marketing and direct mail campaigns – and these key tips will still apply. Take the skills you already have in consulting your customers and turn them inward. If you start treating yourself like a customer, you’ll find your network continue to grow in trust, strength, and size. Be your own PR agent. 

Taylor Borst is Sr. Director of Marketing & Vendor Relations for American Solutions for Business. Joining the print and promo industry in 2015, she specializes in social media, promotional products, and supplier relations. Taylor is currently a Sous Chef with PromoKitchen, board member for UMAPP, on the PSDA Emerging Leaders Committee and is an advocate for education and youth involvement in the industry. Connect with her on Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn.
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