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Be Proactive to Increase Sales

Don't Wait to be Asked

9/30/2021 | Danette Gossett, From Good to Great

Over the years, I’ve recognized a pattern during specific times of the year where we experience a dramatic increase in day-to-day requests. In some cases, it corresponds to the end or beginning of a customer’s fiscal year. The urgent need to spend money. And of course, we want to help them! And even though we know the schedule, each year no matter how much outreach we do, we end up reacting to their needs.

Are You Typically Reactive Versus Proactive?

In speaking with others, we all seem to have this same pattern at different times of the year. Lately, however, it feels like we are reacting more often that we used to. So, how do you shift from reactive to proactive?

Naturally, you can’t always be proactive, but you can have a more proactive climate in your business.

The first step in that process is gaining a thorough understanding of your client base and making sure you have the right team in place. We pride ourselves on being partners with our clients, not just a vendor they call when they “need” something. Unfortunately, I had one employee that would just sit and wait for the customer to contact them. They felt uncomfortable reaching out. Felt like they were a pest.

Are You an Order Taker or Partner?

Obviously, being a pest is not being a partner. He never had those important “fact finding” meetings to understand the bigger picture. He was, in reality, just an order taker. He didn’t have enough understanding of the customer to be a partner.

That’s why you need the right team in place. Those that will take the time to have a meeting or two to discover how a customer likes to work, to understand they needs and processes.

I was reminded of this important aspect last week. We picked up a new client last year. Did a few quick projects and then it stopped. Not from anything we did, my primary contact was transferred to a different department on a special project. He tried to introduce me to others in procurement but that didn’t go very far.

The buyer I was introduced to was nice enough, requested some quotes. But nothing further. They were non-responsive when the quotes were provided and questions asked. I almost gave up.

Don’t Give Up Easily

But I hate giving up, so I stayed in touch with my primary contact on a regular basis. And last week he called with the head of procurement on the line to ask for my help on a quick turn project. As we chatted, I asked a few questions that lead the head of procurement to realize that the other buyer was not including me in many of their project quotes. I asked her if we could have a larger discussion on their programs and needs.

So, two days later the buyer, her boss and I had an hour long zoom meeting. I realized that my primary contact had provided me with the bare essential information about the company’s needs and programs.  Primarily because he didn’t know more. Turns out that they are a very program and process driven company. They don’t ask for “ideas” and expect you to get back to them in 3-4 days, they need answers quickly, typically within 24 hours. And they want new and different. And are willing to pay for it.

My primary contact had led me to believe that they only wanted inexpensive options. When in reality, they are willing to pay for quality.

Don’t Wait to be Asked

I mentioned that I felt I had only been able to be reactive with them, not proactive. Only providing quotes when asked (hard not to when you don’t know more). Thankfully the head of procurement understood completely. Appreciated my position and appreciated that we wanted to be a partner with them and not just another vendor. I have a much better understanding of their needs now. And am developing a plan to present some custom ideas for many of their 2022 programs.

As I think most of us have experienced over the last few months, companies are spending again. And because of that, I know our time has been spent fulfilling requests. Personally, I have gotten away from my daily time blocking. I have been focusing on getting the various jobs done. Not working towards growing my customers.

Perfect Time to Change Dialog

However, now is the perfect time to change that scenario. Companies understand the delivery issues faced because of product availability. And the need for better planning more so today than ever. So, it gives us all the opportunity to change our customer dialog.

We can spend time with each client to learn more about the goals and challenges they are facing for the next year as we explain the supply chain issues. Meet for lunch or have a zoom (teams) meeting and get back to the basics with them. Ask questions. Lots of them. And listen.

Be Their Go To Resource

Use the pandemic as a reason to learn more about your customers programs and schedules. Take the initiative to insert yourself more fully into their programs. Become their “go to” company for everything they do. Let them know you are a key resource for everything printed they do. If it isn’t something you are comfortable with, partner with someone so you can do it all.

Spend an Hour A Day Being Proactive

Spend at least one hour a day learning more about a client. Take time to schedule regular meetings with each of your top clients.  Let them know you want to make sure all their needs are met.

And start developing ideas for them. Be proactive about making suggestions. If you see something that’s interesting for them, get a virtual done or a spec sample and send it to them. If you know they have a big event, talk to your vendor partners to come up with something custom. 

We started this process with a new client earlier this year. And I am happy to say. We are now their “go to” for everything. 

If you can’t find the time to do this for every client. Pick your top three customers and schedule the time to be more proactive. I guarantee you will increase your sales.  

Danette Gossett is the founder of Gossett Marketing, co-founder of Promotions Rescource LLC and co-author of the best-selling book “Transform” with Brian Tracy. Danette utilizes her more than 30 years of advertising agency and corporate marketing experience to develop effective promotional campaigns and products for her clients. Visit GossettMktg.com or SalesPromo.org and follow us on twitter @MarketngTidbits. 
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