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Beat Burnout in Your Promo Biz

...and Come Back Stronger in 2022!

12/8/2021 | Rosalie Marcus, Promo Biz Coach

No doubt about it, the past two years have been challenging for all of us in the promotional products industry to say the least!  The ongoing risks of the pandemic, supply chain shortages, businesses closing and all the uncertainty have made our lives far more stressful than ever before! 

You may be feeling burnt out and somedays even ready to quit, but take heart, you’re not alone! Before you give up, here are some proven strategies to beat burnout that have worked for me and my promo coaching clients and they can work for you too!

1.  Evaluate your client list. Are you spending too much time with difficult clients who don’t appreciate your time and effort and are always price shopping?  Make a list of the characteristics of your ideal clients and go after people who meet those characteristics. It’s okay to fire clients that drive you crazy. Your own mental health is more important than any client! 

2.  Be kind to yourself and others.  What do you say when you talk to yourself? Are you critical when things don’t go well?  We all have bad days!  Instead of beating yourself up, take time to appreciate the good things in your life and focus on those. Consider starting a gratitude journal and just writing one line every day of something that went well. While I’m on the subject of kindness, be kind to others, they are struggling too. Radom acts of kindness will go a long way in making you feel better.

3.  Get help. If you’re working on your own consider hiring someone to do the tasks you don’t enjoy or make you feel overwhelmed. These days VA’s (virtual assistants) are easy to find. There are even virtual assistants that specialize in the promo industry. Search email forums and social media groups for promotional product professionals for recommendations.

4.  Start exercising. Exercise is the great elixir! For me, exercise brightens my mood, helps me think of new creative ideas to increase my business and helps me sleep better. If you can’t get outside and don’t won’t to go to a gym, YouTube has plethora of free exercise videos for all levels. It’s amazing how much better a consistent exercise routine can make you feel and how much more resilient you’ll be!  

5.  Get some rest. Studies have shown that getting the right amount of sleep every night (7-8 hours for most people) can make a huge difference in your health and well-being. When you’re well rested you can focus better and deal with everyday problems more easily.

6.  Take time for yourself. Sometimes you need to step away from your work and that’s okay. A special day off, even mid-week can help you come back feeling rejuvenated. Schedule time in your calendar to do the things you enjoy most including regular vacations. When you take time out for you, you’re much less likely to feel burned out.

7.  Engage with others. There are many online forums for the promo industry that can help you solve your most pressing problems and make you feel less isolated. Consider reaching out for help when you need it. You’ll be surprised to see that whatever problem you’re experiencing, you are not alone!  There will also be many opportunities to meet others and share ideas at the upcoming trade shows early next year.

8.  Stay educated. You don’t have travel further than your desktop to get inspired and learn new strategies to stay motivated and beat burnout. There are numerous opportunities to attend free webinars in our industry. Speaking of webinars, if you missed my recent webinar on Top 10 Hot Trends to Sell More Now and in 2022 you can view at the link below and be inspired! https://promobizcoach.com/10-hot-trends-to-sell-more-promo-now-and-in-2022/

One last thing, above all believe in yourself! You are performing a valuable service, you are helping our economy grow! Here’s wishing you a wonderful holiday season and all the best for 2022!  

© 2021 Rosalie Marcus

Rosalie Marcus, The Promo Biz Coach, is a promotional products business expert, sales coach and top-rated speaker. Combining her skills and years of experience in promotional sales, she helps her clients sell more at higher margins to better clients. Get FREE up-to-the-minute sales tips and a FREE On-Demand Webinar 5 Must-Know Strategies for Selling in the New Normal at her website: www.PromoBizCoach.com  Reach her at Rosalie@promobizcoach.com.  
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