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Clubhouse for Business

Clubhouse has taken the internet by storm in 2021

2/9/2021 | Sam Kabert, Success with Swag(ger)

Clubhouse has taken the internet by storm. If you haven’t heard of Clubhouse by now, I envy you because you likely don't feel the need to be truly connected on social media! Some days I’m shocked by the amount of time I actually spend on it!

In case you haven’t heard of Clubhouse (or for the Android users), I’ll back up and explain.

Clubhouse 101

MySpace, Facebook, Snapchat, Vine, TikTok, LinkedIn and of course…Instagram… you name it…every single one of these social platforms is about pushing out content. They are about building brands by pushing content.

Looking for connections over content?

Clubhouse is about making true and meaningful connections.

Need more proof?

Literally the only “content” you can put out on Clubhouse is a profile picture and text in your bio. No status updates, no ability to post videos or even images!

So, if this is the case then why am I so bullish on Clubhouse?

It’s the quality of the people on the app that makes it so amazing!

Now, I might sound a bit disconnected from my normal mindful self for a second but it’s for a reason … so stay with me here… 

Growing an Audience

I’ve never really had a huge following online, sure I have a big presence between all of my blogs, podcasts, YouTube channel, books I’ve written etc. but creating that content hasn’t converted to thousands and thousands of “followers."

Within 2 weeks of being active on Clubhouse, I grew my Instagram by 300 followers … and for someone that had less than 1,000 followers Pre-CH that’s a big deal!

Moreover, not only are these people “followers," they fit my ICA perfectly (Ideal Customer Avatar). I’ve had more discovery calls as a result of Clubhouse than I’ve ever had from any social media platform. 

How can this be? 

It’s because Clubhouse is about networking, not media. It’s about connections first.

So with that, here’s my blueprint on how to “win” at Clubhouse:

  1. Basic Understanding

Clubhouse is a social networking platform that connects you with people that share common interests. You can enter “rooms” with people to listen in or join a conversation. Don’t worry about whether you're wearing pants or not, because continuing with the trend from 2020 we’re connecting digitally with folks from the waist up. Actually, you don’t even need to wear a shirt if you don’t want to because it’s voice only!

The only downside is that you’ll need an iPhone (or at least an iPad) to join and you need to receive an “invite” from a current user.

  1. Basic Etiquette

When you enter a room, you’ll enter in the audience. The people speaking are called “speakers” (go figure) and they are “on stage”. Others on stage will have a green circular mark in their profile picture that indicates they are the moderators. It’s the moderators job to guide the conversation, invite people to speak, and keep the chatter to a minimum.

I think of Clubhouse as the ultimate break out session experience from a conference but digital (and remember voice only).

If you want to speak, then simply “raise your hand” and the speakers may invite you to speak. Once you get to the stage, you’ll arrive unmuted … so be sure to mute your phone quickly so they can’t hear your dog barking or baby crying in the background :)

When someone says something that resonates with you, tap your mic on and off (mute/unmute) to show appreciation. This is how we clap in Clubhouse to keep it simple rather than a bunch of voices chiming in to say, “I agree” which would disrupt the flow of the conversation.

  1. Clubhouse for Business

One reason you're likely reading this article is to better understand how Clubhouse can be used for business. I’m so grateful for the new friends I’ve made on Clubhouse and honestly if you’re just on CH to connect and network without any business intentions then good on you! But if you are interested in Clubhouse for Business, then please take these next few points to heart…


Make sure you have a compelling bio. Be true to who you are and show some flavor in what you’re about. Don’t make it boring… use emojis, tell people what you’re there to talk about and your tribe will come.


You need to have your Instagram linked to Clubhouse and the main reason is because there is no way to direct message people on Clubhouse. If you want to continue the conversation with someone (or if someone wants to reach out to you) the easiest way to make it happen is by linking your Instagram. Links in your bio are not clickable but your Instagram will show as a clickable icon.

That said, make sure your IG represents who you are. I know a lot of people aren’t interested in social media these days, but at the very least keep your IG up so you can make connections off of Clubhouse.


Lead magnets are for the people that loved what you had to say on CH or just read your bio in CH and want more!

A lead magnet is a “freebie” in exchange for an email address. Gone are the days that we can be lazy and say “sign-up for my newsletter." You need to lead with value and giving first. This not only demonstrates your trustworthiness but it also helps to establish you as a thought leader in your space.

If you currently don’t have a lead magnet, or might just need to update your lead magnet then be sure to read this past blog post that describes how to set one up with ease.

That’s it! These are my top tips on how to use Clubhouse. Remember, life is supposed to be fun… whether you’re connecting to meet new people or using CH to grow your business have fun and enjoy the process!

To Making Real Connections,

Sam Kabert is the creative director of SwagWorx and the creator and co-host of the podcast “WhatUp Silicon Valley!” A risk taker who embraces permanent beta, Sam is leading the transformation of his family-run office supplies business into a promotional products powerhouse. Sam can be reached at Sam@SwagWorx.com.
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