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How to Uncover Your Voice (Through Content Creation)

Everyone wants to get into content creation, but for many it’s overwhelming to even think about the first step.

7/14/2020 | Sam Kabert, Success with Swag(ger)

Everyone wants to get into content creation, but for many it’s overwhelming to even think about the first step. Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret… the first step is to just get started and do the damn thing. Too many people fall prey to paralysis by analysis… don’t let that be you!

There are a few things you’ll need to address before you launch a podcast, go out and spend a ton of money on camera gear for that YouTube show you’ve always envisioned, or sit down with some coffee to crank out 700 words for your first blog post.

FIRST, get crystal clear on your why. I mean clear as in this becomes engrained in you to your very core. If you want to get into content creation because you think it’s the thing to do or someone told you to do it, then sit on it for a bit. If after letting the idea marinate for a day, a week heck even a month and you still don’t know why you want to get into content creation… THEN STOP! Just straight up don’t do it.

You have to get into this because it’s a burning desire from within. People will sniff you out as a fraud and for being ingenuine and it’ll do more harm than good. 

Now, on the flip side if you need some guidance on how to get clear on your why - check out my guide “How to Get Clarity” which will walk you through step-by-step how to go about this process.

NEXT, you’ll need to choose your platform. Generally speaking, you will be choosing between audio, video, or written word … and maybe a hybrid.

So, with audio the clear leader is podcasting. Podcasting can be simple AF if you do it right. A ton of people set-up an account on “Anchor” and get started with no plan of action and quite frankly have no experience interviewing. If you’re going to choose to do podcasting, do yourself a favor and check out JLD’s trainings or even my course on how to “Simply Show Up & Record”. 

Another option is video… the easiest way to get into doing video is by starting now through IG & FB stories/lives. You literally have the equipment you need (a smartphone) and you can get feedback on your content in real time. I would recommend starting here and transitioning to a YouTube show and investing in some quality equipment if it's something you see yourself doing long term.

LAST is the written word. Blogging isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and I’ll give you a secret… if you plan on writing a book, then you must get into blogging! Blogging will not only help you hone your craft prior to writing your first book, but it will help reveal what topics your audience likes prior to committing to the beastly project that is writing a book. I recommend using my FREE Content Generator worksheet to map out your blogs in advance. If you do this right, you can even use elements of your blog to make writing your books even easier. This is exactly what I did to write 3 books in just 1 year!

SO, how do you choose between audio, video and written word? Simple… if you are shy on camera or don’t feel comfortable with video for any reason then do not choose video as your platform. If you love to talk and people have told you that you have a good voice, are natural at guiding a conversation, and you genuinely want to launch a podcast then maybe podcasting is for you! Conversely, if audio/video is intimidating but you love to write, then choose blogging! It’s seriously that simple… follow your natural talents and passions.

Finally, how to uncover your voice. I hinted at this earlier but I’ll lay it out for you clearly here.

  1. Test: Whether you choose audio, video or written word - try out small sample sizes and look for feedback. We went through what this would look like for video, if this is for audio then you can “hide” behind a graphic and do a “voice over”. If your chosen route is written word, try expanding on your captions with your social media posts and/or writing a 700 - 1,000 word blog post or two. Look for feedback and engage with your audience. See what resonates with them and what resonates with you.

  2. Contemplation (Meditation): I do a mantra based meditation which means that I repeat the same sanskrit words over and over to clear the mind. However, from time to time I’ll sit in contemplation which is similar to meditation but different. You know how sometimes in the shower you just get the best ideas? Think of this like that, only that you’re sitting in silence outside of the shower. Worst case scenario, take a shower with the intention of getting an idea and usually (for me at least) ideas strike. Just don’t spend more than 5 mins in the shower if it doesn’t come through ;)

  3. Journaling: I went through a 30 day journaling course by the wizard that is Erick Godsey and I was amazed at what came up. You might want to do some internal introspection through writing 20 minutes non-stop. No matter what, don't let your pen off the paper. It’s tough, but you can do it. 

  4. Clarity Guide: Once again here’s the link to my Clarity Guide, this will walk you through how to uncover your voice and your plan of action. 

  5. Courses: Whether it’s one of my courses or someone else’s, invest in yourself by investing in a coach and a community. The best thing I did to become a successful podcaster, YouTuber, & Author (recognized as one of Silicon Valley’s 40 Under 40 Recipients in 2019 and named to PPAI’s Rising Stars in 2020) was to invest in coaching programs. My podcasting course is my flagship content creation course, however, I do have several other courses as well. A friend of mine has a legit “writing a book” type course and I’m sure you could find video courses/coaches to support you by asking your network (or a simple google search).

So, there you have it - your roadmap to becoming a successful content creator. Go deep on your why and follow the steps outlined. If you need support or direction you can hire a coach to help you hone your craft along the way.

To Your Success,

Sam Kabert is the creative director of SwagWorx and the creator and co-host of the podcast “WhatUp Silicon Valley!” A risk taker who embraces permanent beta, Sam is leading the transformation of his family-run office supplies business into a promotional products powerhouse. Sam can be reached at Sam@SwagWorx.com.
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