A few years back, I posted a blog not-so-originally titled, “New Year’s Reflections” where I shared some questions I asked myself to reflect on the year. As I reread to process the end of that year, it was clearly lacking for one reason: I didn’t share my answers to the questions – I only posed them.
For someone who loves music as much as I do, in times of reflection I prefer the sweet embrace of silence. In that silence, I find that my true self can be reached – the true self that we sometimes (and knowingly) avoid because it is difficult to view ourselves from a place of honesty and candor. However, if I am to become the best version of myself, this annual reflection is a critical building block to the person I continually aspire to be.
One of the things I truly aspire to be is authentic. It has always been my goal that I am the same person whether writing this blog, working on a project, speaking in front of a group of professionals, or having a beer with a friend. To me, a big part of that authenticity is allowing myself to be open and honest at every opportunity. It is with that background I am going to publicly answer the questions I posed to myself this year. I am going to allow myself to share my introspective candor.
Where was I this time last year professionally?
Professionally, I was, again, at a crossroads. I was operating brandivate and by any measure, it was successful. I had proven to myself that I could build something from the ground up but, at the same time, I had the very strong feeling I had taken it as far as I could on my own. Hence, I was at a point where I needed to make a decision to either grow brandivate by hiring employees or, focus on why I had started brandivate in the first place: to find a collaborative environment for the next stage of my career. After careful thought, I decided to focus on the latter and I began to talk to people I trusted in the industry about where I might fit. It was a time of both excitement and fear – and both are wonderful motivators.
Did I accomplish my goals for 2017 – why and/or why not?
Goals I accomplished:
- Positioning myself through brandivate to begin the next stage of my career – Very early in 2017, I had a single-minded focus to find my next role in the industry outside of brandivate. I look back on the very early days of brandivate and I’m stunned to see how far it has come in just a couple of years. Candidly, it feels damn good
- Attend L.E.A.D. – It was truly an honor to represent the great state of Tennessee at PPAI’s Legislative Education & Action Day where promotional products professionals visit Washington, D.C. to lobby elected officials on behalf of the industry. Among others, was able to have meaningful dialog with both Sen. Bob Corker and Rep. Marsha Blackburn and believe my presence made a positive impact. In fact, when I ran into Rep. Blackburn at DFW airport a few months later, she recalled our conversation about the power of promotional products in relation to the American Heart Association silicone bracelet I always wear.
- Mentor two people in the industry – Through the fantastic mentoring program from PromoKitchen, I was able to mentor three professionals in the industry in 2017. The ability to give back by paying it forward brings me a joy that is indescribable. If you are interested in becoming a mentor – or would like to be mentored – please visit PromoKitchen by clicking the link here
Goals I did not accomplish:
- Write a book – I loathe sharing this, but for the second year in a row I did not accomplish this goal. I could tell you one of several BS excuses as to why, but they would be just that: excuses. The bottom line is that I didn’t make this the priority it needed to be and, therefore, it didn’t get done. I’ve started and stopped at least a dozen times and have allowed myself to become “busy” to the point where I convince myself I don’t have time to write it. The truth is that I haven’t made writing a book a priority, for if it was, I would have accomplished this goal. I won’t allow that to happen in 2018 and will publish that book.
- Increase my personal income by 35% – I came close but still didn’t get the full 35%. However, my overall income did increase so I won’t slap myself on the wrist too hard on this one.
What is my motivation and how has it changed in the past year?
My motivations haven’t changed much in the past 365 days and I continue to be motivated by the following:
- Providing for my family
- Doing work for PromoCorner that positively impacts and enriches the business of our client partners
- Being recognized by people in the industry I respect
What do I need to do more of in 2018?
In 2018, I need to make sure that I continue to do work that matters for PromoCorner and our client partners. This has always been critically important to me and is directly tied into the motivations listed above. I also need to continue to give back to an industry that has given me so much. I look forward to doing that through my position as vice president of the RAC board, chef in PromoKitchen, and immediate past president of PPAMS. Last, I need to make more time for my sons. They are 15 and are quickly becoming young men – young men that drive. They have always been a top priority, but I am going to make a concerted effort to sit with them daily – without the delightfully distracting devices – and get to know the men they are becoming.
What do I need to do less of in 2018?
I need to question myself less. Like many, I have an inner voice that tells me I’m not good enough, not smart enough, or not knowledgeable enough. At times, I’ve allowed that inner negativity to paralyze me into inaction. While I listened less to that voice in 2017 than I did in 2016, I need to fully shut it down in 2018. I also need to do less talking in 2017, and I don’t mean public speaking. At times, I notice that I have fallen into the trap of listening with the intent to respond rather than with the intent to understand which goes against everything I believe. Last, I need to say “yes” less – and this will be very difficult for me. I need to continue to find ways to say yes, but I must be more thoughtful and judicious about it.
What am I grateful for in 2017?
I have much to be grateful for: my family, friends, coworkers, and to be able to work in an industry that I truly love. I’m also grateful that there were no serious medical emergencies in 2017 after the roller-coaster that was 2016. Finally, I’m grateful that I finally got off my duff and committed to a workout regimen and, at the ripe young age of 48, feel better than I have in years.
How did I serve others in the past year?
In 2017, I served others by delivering education sessions at a dizzying number of industry events, served as president of PPAMS, mentored three people through PromoKitchen as well as being a chef, and produced content at a dizzying pace. I will continue serving others and giving back to our industry as I believe it makes us all stronger.
What are my goals for 2018?
- Increase PromoCorner’s revenue by 30%
- Find four additional revenue streams for PromoCorner
- Have PromoCorner be recognized as the digital marketing and media leader in the industry
- Finally write a book on sales and marketing
- Spend more quality time with my family
- Meditate 30 minutes every day
- Mentor two people in the promotional products industry
Am I who I want to be?
This is, perhaps, the most difficult question of all to answer as I don’t think I’ll ever be the person I truly aspire to be. There’s always work to be done – I can be a better father, a better husband, a better friend, a better industry advocate, and so on. No, I’m not the person I want to be at all, but I can with all candor say I’m a better version of me than I was in 2016 and I know I will inch closer to who I want to be in 2018.
As I say every year, I find this annual exercise to be a soul-cleansing deep breath that centers me before the new year begins and is much more valuable than setting some ambiguous resolution that I’ll forget by Valentine’s Day. My hope is that in sharing this it will help you take that hard look in the mirror as you candidly assess where you are at in your life.
I wish each of you the very best in the coming year and hope you make progress as you seek to be the best version of you that you can be.
Bill is president of PromoCorner, the leading digital marketing service provider to the promotional products industry, and has over 17 years working in executive leadership positions at leading promotional products distributorships. A featured speaker at numerous industry events, a serial creator of content marketing, president of the Promotional Products Association of the Mid-South (PPAMS), vice president of the Regional Association Council (RAC) board, and PromoKitchen chef, Bill has extensive experience coaching sales teams, creating successful marketing campaigns, and developing branding that resonates with a target audience. He can be reached at bill@PromoCorner.com.