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More Clients, Less Time

2/16/2017 | Rosalie Marcus, Promo Biz Coach

Having a hard time attracting new prospects to your promotional products business? Looking for a proven strategy that works far better than cold calls, will get you out of the office and in front of more ideal prospects - and will get people calling you instead of you calling them?

What is it? Public speaking! I know this strategy may scare some people, but trust me, if you give it a try the payoff can be enormous. I can tell you from experience, the more you speak, the more your sales will increase.

Why does this marketing strategy work so well? When you speak in front of a group, you’re remembered. Ideally, prospects get to know you, like you and trust you. You’ll also be perceived as an expert. People want to do business with experts.

Where can you speak? Chambers of Commerce, networking groups, local libraries and service clubs are frequently looking for speakers.

Here are nine proven and easy tips to attract business when you speak:

1) Have a catchy title.  How to Promote Your Business is boring, but 5 Proven Ways Drive Traffic to Your Trade Show Booth is catchy and memorable. You get the idea. 

2) Be part of a panel of speakers. If you’re just starting out, being part of a panel is a lot less intimidating than speaking to an audience alone. Look for related businesses that target a similar client to share the spotlight with, such as meeting planners, graphic designers, and trade show display companies.  

3) Share stories. Sharing true stories of how you’ve helped your clients is so much easier than memorizing a speech. While you’re at it, unless you’re a graphics expert, ditch the PowerPoint. People will be a lot more interested in what you have to say rather than a bunch of boring slides.

4) Bring fun giveaways. Bring promotional items with your company logo and distribute them to the audience. It’s a great way to get people to remember you and see the value in what you do.

5) Get the audience engaged in your topic. Ask them to pull out a promotional item from their pocket, purse or briefcase. Give an award to the person who has the most logoed items with them. It will get everyone engaged in the topic, have fun, and drive your point home.

6) Practice, practice, practice. Practice what you’re going to say before you get out there. Consider joining a local Toastmasters group to brush up on your speaking skills.  

7) Collect business cards from everyone in the audience. Have a drawing for a free gift at the end of your presentation. Make it a fun promotional product that someone would want to receive. Tech related items work great.

8) Have a call to action. Offer a free marketing check-up or free virtual samples to anyone that gets in touch with you in the next month. Tell your prospects that you will provide at least three new ideas for promoting their product and service when they meet with you.  

9) Consider turning your live talk into an on-demand webinar. You can send it to clients and future prospects to view.

Follow these tips and you may never have to cold call again!    

Rosalie Marcus, The Promo Biz Coach, is a promotional products business expert, coach and speaker. Combining her skills and years of experience in promotional sales, she helps her clients sell more at higher profit margins and dramatically increase their incomes. Download a FREE Special Report 10 Proven Ways to Thrive in Promotional Products Sales…In Any Economy   at www.PromoBizCoach.com – Reach her at Rosalie@promobizcoach.com or 215-572-6766.

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