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Pantone’s 2022 Color of the Year

How it Impacts Promo

12/22/2021 | Taylor Borst , Taylor's Take

Pantone has officially announced their debut, “Very Peri” as their pick for “Color of the Year 2022”. It’s described by Pantone as “a novel perspective and vision of the trusted blue color family, encompassing the qualities of the blues, yet at the same time with its violet-red undertone displays a spritely, joyous attitude and dynamic presence…”. Put simply, it’s a vibrant lilac hue – not quite neon, not quite pastel. This is my third year analyzing the color of the year (read 2020 and 2021 articles here), and it’s one of my favorite ways to understand the market through art.

What may seem like a frivolous tradition to some, the selection is much more than crowning a trending color. It’s an insightful signifier of where we are now and where we’re headed from a collective social, political and economic standpoint. Color is a form of language – perhaps the most universal one we unconsciously speak.

So, how does this apply to the print and promotional industry?

Digital Dominance

According to Pantone’s release, “As we emerge from an intense period of isolation, our notions and standards are changing, and our physical and digital lives have merged in new ways. Digital design helps us to stretch the limits of reality, opening the door to a dynamic virtual world where we can explore and create new color possibilities.” As a society, our lives also have a much deeper dependence on digital – whether it’s your work-from-home habits, media consumption or small new ways of interacting with the world (e.g., scanning a QR code for a restaurant menu). Help customers incorporate creative digital into their print and promo strategies and be sure to boost your own digital marketing presence through social media, email marketing and digital media ads.

Online Market Shifts

Because we have made so many digital lifestyle changes, new and existing markets continue to grow and adapt to fit this landscape. Whether you’re hosting an eCommerce swag store or creating a campaign for the customer expanding from their own eCommerce sales and activity, the following are examples of promising markets projecting continued growth:

·         Online Gaming –32.8% increase in 2020 globally

·         Retail eCommerce - 27.6% increase in 2020 (total of $4.28 trillion worldwide)

·         Software & Tech - Cybersecurity is projected to grow to $366.1 billion by 2028

·         Digital Marketing and Content Creation - estimated to increase its hiring rate by 33% post-pandemic

·         Data Science & Analytics - Hiring for data science positions grew nearly 46% in 2020.

·         Mental Health – Hiring for mental health specialists increased 24% in 2020

Embracing Custom & Full-Color Deco

Since this color is so new and unique, it’s unlikely that you’ll find many stock promotional items in Very Peri (or many purple options for that matter) since it isn’t a popular primary corporate color (compared to black, white, blue, red). Although apparel does offer a wider array, your best bet will be incorporating it into the custom decoration of the product as well as the packaging. If you or your customer are looking for art inspo, Pantone has also compiled recommended color palates that compliment their color of the year. Industry suppliers like Origaudio, Sweda, Hit, iClick, Coasterstone Custom, Fields Manufacturing, Chocolate Inn and more get better and better at creating beautiful, full-wrap, full-color items as part of their offering.  

There is Hope for 2022

An important lesson learned over the last two years is that we can’t control the uncontrollable. Every day, we hear updates on the Delta and Omicron variants and are met with uncertainty. Despite all of this, we still share the craving for an optimistic, resilient outlook. While another potential lockdown is always possible, there’s an odd sense of comfort in knowing we’ve done this before and that finding inspiration amid a pandemic is still within reach. Weave this messaging into your marketing strategy so that your customers and colleagues know they can depend on you in good times and bad.

Color plays such an integral role in our lives. Often, we’re so emersed in it that it’s easy to let it slip to the back of our minds with a sort of numbness. What will always be true of trending colors is that they reflect us in the most basic, human way. They capture our collective emotional and spiritual experience, no matter how divided or lonely the world can seem. The ability to convey this through product, messaging and digital storytelling will help secure your spot in the future of our industry. 

Taylor Borst is Sr. Director of Marketing & Vendor Relations for American Solutions for Business. Joining the print and promo industry in 2015, she specializes in social media, promotional products, and supplier relations. Taylor is currently a Sous Chef with PromoKitchen, board member for UMAPP, on the PSDA Emerging Leaders Committee and is an advocate for education and youth involvement in the industry. Connect with her on Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn.
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