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What motivates you?

See what keeps these industry duos going

6/20/2024 | PromoJournal Staff, How Far Did The Apple Fall?

What motivates you?         
David Kennealey, 1st GEN
Someone telling this only child something can't be done                      
Erin Kennealey, 2nd GEN
Achieving goals 
Mike Moore, 2nd GEN
Bay State
The thrill of getting a sale                     
Jack Moore, 3rd GEN
My dreams and goals                     
Dana Zezzo, 1st GEN
Helping other people achieve their goals
Maria Zezzo, 2nd GEN
Being able to achieve my goals and doing it alongside my family 
Barry Greenberger, 1st GEN
Team SCG
Family & Success being defined as being able to create memories with them
Shayna Cohen, 2nd GEN
Team SCG
Growth & the evolution of myself & how it impacts those around me 
Next up from How Far Did The Apple Fall?...

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