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What work benefit is most important to you?

See what these industry duos value most

7/4/2024 | PromoJournal Staff, How Far Did The Apple Fall?

What work benefit is most important to you?  
Kirby Hasseman, 2nd GEN
Hasseman Marketing
I love flexibility, but I want the ability to earn more if I do/work more
Jade Crider, 3rd GEN
Hasseman Marketing
Flexible schedule                      
Bill Clay, 3rd GEN
A flexible schedule allowing you to work yet still be there for family, special events and volunteering
Heather O'Neill, 4th GEN
It's a balance of all for me which enables me family time, health and savings for the future
Dan Townes, 3rd GEN
Helping to establish a work schedule in considertation of someone's health/personal needs where both are satisfied
Daniel Townes, 4th GEN
The flexibility to have a healthy work/life balance 
Angie Hauptman, 1st GEN
Mylo Brand Studio
Providing balance and flexibility to have rich, rewarding lives both at work & at home                     
Cola Henderson, 2nd GEN
Mylo Brand Studio
A culture that thrives on believing in each other. I love an enviornment that embraces equality and is designed for a flexible lifestyle and an opportunity to build wealth
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