Your column is titled Creative Challenges. What do YOU do to get the creative juices flowing?
I love to learn – about everything and anything – so I try to feed my creativity and curiosity constantly. I listen to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks. Much has centered on creative and personal development. I consider everything by Brené Brown essential reading because her work deals so much with courage, vulnerability, fear, failure, and resilience – all crucial to creativity. Regularly, I turn to Elizabeth Gilbert’s book “Big Magic” and podcast “Magic Lessons,” each offers a unique take on creative living. Finally, I thrive on talking to friends and colleagues. The more I surround myself with creative people, the more I find myself feeling inspired.
If someone made a movie about you, which actress would play you?
I want to say Aubrey Plaza, but Stephanie Courtney (aka Flo from Progressive) is probably more accurate.
If you were a salad, what kind of dressing would you have?
I’d have to say honey mustard. I’m sweet, but I also have a kick you might not expect.
What is your favorite curse word?
Hoooo boy, that’s definitely not something I should put in writing. I will say that I like to string them all together in fabulously creative ways.
What makes you smile?
My daughter. My husband. My dogs. The rest of my family. My friends. Nights in. Nights out. Coffee. NPR. Squishy pillows and comfy blankets. Writing. Reading. Drawing. Old photos. New notebooks. Office supplies. Bookstores. Sushi. Wine. The first sip of a good beer… and then the rest of it. And talking about promotional products, of course.